Sick of y'all whining

Are you PC

Okay but just because you and your friends aren’t having the same issues doesn’t mean they aren’t still happening. @Weevo540 can tell you, him more than anyone else I know that plays this game gets screwed the fuck over by constant bugs and glitches.

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This entire post is you claiming your the best. Play against any of the team X players I bet you will uninstall this game

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No. Im ps4. Im current squad has yet to lose to a pred in public if we are a pre-made.


ps4 vs pred (and 99% of pc pred) vs ps4 squad = ft is gonna win 99% of the time
pc 3 men squad vs every predator in the world = 99% win for ft
pc 4 men squad is a joke, cant lose even if they play feet

this is for people with same experience , example 500 hous ft vs 500 hours pred
For sure if yoyu play against people with less than 100 hours as ft in pubs you will win mostly, no doubt


Huh? No I am not? Pc preds are a challenge, all the good ones either dont play anymore or are in different time zones than I and we rarely get match. I have crossplay on cause im not scared. If i am the pred and I loaded into a game with @Arrow_calis I wouldn’t chicken out I would most likely get my shit pushed in but im not scared to try


if you dont belive search the thread " Let the game begin…apply there" it’s a 1000+ comments thread witrh a 1 vs 3 challenge in which both ps4 and pc squad won every fucking game.

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Yep that’s what I’m saying and everybody thinking im bragging im not. I’m just saying from my point of view a lot of the complaints I read on here NOT THE BUGS the complaints. I just feel like those people haven’t spent enough time playing yet to complain.

Damn, why are you so toxic.
You said you are sooooo good and lose no match.
There is not that “huge” difference between PS4 and Pc. For example @KameofWar ,he is on ps4 and a really good predator.
Dont be shy ^^

PC preds can get real nasty but they are beatable with PS4 teams. No doubt though they take it to another level with the bow hop and hit and runs.

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if the nick name of this guy is Batman even in the game, then we already met him and killed him in 30 seocnds multiple time btw ahahah

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absolutly, challenge 3 vs 1 proved that, and ft was not as op as now in that moment. Imagine now with Filed Medic and play in 4 players with also better performance on ps5 ahahahah no way

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If your PC you’ve never played me

Most of the ppl here on the forums are day 1 players that have 1000+ hours in the game. Pre-mades make up at most 3% of lobbies you run into.

If you think the pred is strong that on you. The rest of us that live in the real world know the pred is not great and is to easy to kill. If the AK can kill a prer with the recent buff in less than 1 clip thats a issue. Sure no pred is gonna let you unload on them but its still a issue. The ttk is to high in this game for fr

Haha yes.
but I bet he would leave then or he has crossplay off xD


ah so you’re ps4, ok so it was adifdferent guy, try to play against a premade squad from ps4, like dova, crazy boy, thundercats team or basically people of the forum. You will get melted. There is no get good man, ft is op without counter arguments.

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What’s ttk mean, is that a typo

Official test of Impenetrable
Pred Hunter with Impenetrable and Iron back
Recon SAWZ + Bane + Sniper

  • 7 shots without mark in the chest
  • 5 shots with mark
  • 8 shots in the back while moving without mark

Deadly Assault + Bane HH is 32 bullets
44 in the back

T ime T o K ill - TTK
How long it takes to kill a player

Duh I knew that my bad