Sick of y'all whining

I haven’t lost a game as pred since the update, also haven’t lost but 1 game as FT since update. The majority of the problem is that you all suck at the game, quit whining pay attention and get better with your setups you shit players. The balance is ok to just have to play smart and decisive. The amount of predators that just run in trying to melee without doing anything else is unreal the predator is not immortal you can’t be careless. Your suppose to poke damage and harass until you can tell they looking for meds then grab the stragglers it’s not hard. For FT they are really no tips if you can’t hear the pred and tell close to where he is at then you need a headset or a better one, if anyone is complaining and playing without a headset then you need to shut up cause you should definitely not be playing this without a headset. JUST GET BETTER AT THE GAME ITS NOT A HARD GAME. To t hi ose of you that will say idk what I’m talking about, I had to change up all my pred classes and switch up my play style and weapons it’s called adapting and learning.


Also if your on playstation and having trouble with pc people then cut cross play off the wait times are barely affected by cross play and I guarantee you will do better

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After playing countless matches of quick play with randoms and seeing the kind of people that play fireteam…no shit you’re winning most of your matches. Most of the Fireteam players probably can’t even solve that kids puzzle toy where you have to put in the right shaped block. I’ve had teammates just stare at the predator while it’s long claiming me and not fire a single shot. I’ve had fireteam’s hide while I’m battling the predator for a good few minutes and they still don’t get to me to help. I’ve had fireteams split up because they’ve never seen a horror movie in their life. I’ve had fireteams that fart ass around in a camp while ignoring the objective. Basically most of the Fireteam players are playing like it’s their first time playing a video game. So when we pull off a win by killing the predator I’m shocked that it was even possible because with a team like that…it really shouldn’t be.

So, fat chances you’re going up against these kind of people which is why you’re winning most of your matches. Now that’s not to downplay your skill, I’m sure you’re a decent predator because if you weren’t you’d be loosing to even these guys. But wait untill you come across a team that wasn’t full of people dropped on the head as a baby. You’ll see how quickly the difficulty shifts and how little of the game is actually in your favour.


Obviously I wouldn’t have said anything if I wasn’t playing both I play against premade and randoms as pred it’s all about watching and paying attention and knowing who you need to get first it’s not hard. For FT I play with my squad mostly because randoms are dumb plus there is a huge new wave of players since black Friday, if my squad is on I play FT if not then I play Pred, but yeah premades are definitely harder to fight but again it’s all about knowing what to do and when, which comes from hours playing as pred and learning. Hell my first ever game as pred I didn’t even find the FT lol

The point I was trying to make was that most of the whiners are just simply not good at the game or haven’t spent enough time to be good

Not sure why since pred has only had 2 good weapons since launch. Exceptions being handheld plasma caster and combi that were nerfed into memes.

What people are bitching about is that its tiresome seeing one side get all the decent weapons and classes while pred gets beserker with worse stats and another reskinned warclub.

Also how BS the game is on PC. If you’re good then turn crossplay on whats the problem? O right PS4 players should have a seperate balancing forum seeing as there is no aim assist in this game and a lot of the reason ps4 players seem so braindead is because they’re playing with Killzone 2 controls.

Having an ego about it and then the telling people to turn crossplay off because you know FTs dmg output is insane provided they can actually aim is funny asf


Killzone 2 is a strecth man. Its more like we are plying with contra controls lol


I am sick of you
you just keep saying “uh, I am so good, I winn every game, you are just bad”
man, you are pc right?

join that and I will prove you are wrong. Even if you are on ps4 idk just fight decent people

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Definitely more than 2 weapons are good you just probably suck with the rest. Also the pred would have to adapt if this were a real world situation and were steadily getting better at killing them and getting better tech the pred would have to adapt or move on. I don’t play against pc cause y’all can get your aim down to muscle memory all I got is 2 sticks bro

Turning crossplay off isnt adapting but keep telling yourself youre god with warclub because you can melee hotmicing randos with locked sensitivity, no turn acceleration, 30 fps, and motion blur lmao


Who the fuck are you another PC guy I don’t play against PC for super obvious reasons. PC is way better than console for many reasons.

I’ve never used the war club

Gotta say the ps4 players I see with crossplay turned on atleast have an idea of what balance is like in this game when people can actually hit things.

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I will say this again most people on the forums are really good. The problem is that when you pair a great Predator vs a three man pc squad the pc squad wins easily.The causal players will play and get shit on and not want to play anymore.

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So you made a post whining about people who’re whining. My main gripe with this update is that they have had extra time to focus on what they already have but instead decided to continue to add more content without fixing the bugs that are still in the game.

60% of the time when I load in to a match my audio gets completely fucked up and I can’t hear anything with or without a headset. Mudding up/interactions are still inconsistent in that you could be halfway through an interaction and it cancels itself. I’m not talking about when it seems like it’s stopped but if you hold down the button it’ll continue the action, nope it just stops altogether. Bow is still fucked. Yesterday in a private match me and friend couldn’t spot any VT at all. The auto revive glitch is also still in the game. There’s still much more than this but you get the point.

These issues aren’t something you can tell people to just “git gud scrub” because they inherently fuck up the game and most of these issues have been in the game for a while now. The devs haven’t even let us know if they’re working on fixing them at all or not or if they’re having trouble, there’s zero communication and honesty. I bring up honesty because they also tweak things here and there that aren’t reflected in the patch notes at all such as cloak apparently being pushed back to 60m instead of what it was before at 45-50m.

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PC and Console are two different worlds those of you who think other wise is dumb, there is no comparison to point and click with a mouse than with TWO FUCKING STICKS

Sounds like your just suck and dont want to compete against pc players. Stop claiming your the best when u refuse to play the best.

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I understand what your saying but me and like 10 of my friends I play with aren’t having these issues, we even tried the bow again yesterday and it was fine for us all day


Never said I was the best you obviously can’t read tag where i said those exact words I’ll wait