Sick of y'all whining


Cause its fun and just a game. This game is so casual that dying to pc players to make meme videos is fun lo


Lol. Okay. Lol

Not my idea of fun.

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PC preds are another level, usually because they’re constantly playing PC squads. PC fireteam will make you git gud real fast. If I survive the match against good PC I consider it a win even if they exfil.


Used to be the same way till I turned cross play off

I just like casually playing. I like having to rely on outwitting, and outsmarting the FT, but there comes a difficulty with PC FTs that isn’t either of those things. It’s like trying to figure out how to move a boulder up a hill and then back down again without letting it roll out of control. As I said, it just isn’t my idea of a good time. If you guys enjoy it have a great time but I’ll stick to my cross play being off because I just enjoy it that way.


Well thats you then. I not bashing anyone who has cross play off or on. I like a challenge and sure some pc players are shaddy but 99% of them are legitimate and are 9/10 times cool and not total douche canoes

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Same as @Thunder-Cats, not judging you for having Cross Play off it’s a personal preference thing. Usually I’m pretty casual playing, a PC shows in the lobby and even then I’m casual till first contact and I know what I’m dealing with.

Either way I make it as fun as I can

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You cant say that PC in general is better. Thats not the point imo.
There are many very good FT and Preds on ps4 out there. I would like to fight a decent ps4 premade like you one time ^^

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@Thunder-Cats your one of favorite people on here you and @BadBlood are the 2 people that have the most likes from me on here. You called me a noob im sad now

Im sorry u didn’t know what ttk ment. Lol im sorry.



I’m just speaking statistically. PC players generally have more invested in there gaming, are older and more competitive. Every system has potatoes that’s for sure.

You’re statistically less likely to run into an 10 year old with a mini gun on PC.



Pc in the point and shoot accept and that some players like to use hot keys and macros for certain things. I wouldn’t say they are op but do have a very very clear advantage when it comes to shooting.

I find the movement of pc preds a little off. Maybe thats why they jump and leap around so much cause the movement is so terrible.

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Same I’ve heard from some PC people that they like to play the pred with a controller instead of mouse and keyboard but they play FT with ther mouse and keyboard

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I have heard this as well.

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That’s all I’ve been saying about PC this whole time point and click is way more accurate than 2 sticks.

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