
No one actually cares man. Its just funny.

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Fuck you suck as boba. Btw when you getting on to play?

Sure. I already know you can’t do shit because I can already see how mistaken you guys are on how it works lmao. You guys still think I’m using a damage multiplier LMFAO. “Wait until you’re not pred and I can do more than 200 dmg in 1 shot”. Oh ok you wanna go on a private where Fire hosts the match and try it for yourself? Laptop is still here and I’m in-game. Jelou can check for himself. I have ZERO issues proving you guys wrong and having a good ole laugh to post on the forum all over again

I can’t tonight I’m fucking tired, I might tomorrow though if I ain’t got shit to do

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“Have nothing to counter Aston because he was right and we were wrong, and the whole forum sees it now? Just reply with a no comment meme like a guilty politician”

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but you died. and you were not able to kill me.

If you can push “all the good stuff” why didn’t you push my HP down?

You couldn’t. Because you are not really a hacker. You paid for your shit. No go take it to your cousin who actually codes, give him some weed as payment and wait until next week until he gives you a hack that can actually kill me.




I literally swung at you like once, and I think shot you once with the pistil while you kept trying to dodge and shoot me, and I gave up at that point from dying of laughter. I just sat there laughing at you because I knew you went into the match with a puffed chest and a master plan that you thought was going to work, and I knew it wasn’t, because AGAIN. IT’S A FUCKING SERVER INJECT YOU FUCKING RETARDD LOOOOLLLLL. I have authority over the server. Your video LITERALLY SHOWS IT. How the fuck is that a multiplier? If you could down be my doing more damage than I have HP in 1 shot, then why couldn’t you do it by simply changing the HP to zero? Because if I lock it, then server accepts WHAT I SAY, not what YOU say. You’re still not understanding it and are in denial. “Nah bro, he bought his hacks from I’m convinced of it. I will never admit otherwise” LOOOLLLL. Funny enough that all you retardds make fun of @FairYautja, but you could actually learn a thing or 2 from him

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You would both lose a fight, a game, against these two prostitutes, they are capable of sucking co+ck in such a way that they suck so much that the sheet would go deep into your ass… and what can we say about their tongue game!! ??? ufff
but the great champion is Mama SamHack13, ultimately the result would be like this:

Championa: Mama SamHack13

2: Godmother SamHack13

3: Sister SamHack13

Losers: Aston and jelouGamins
They lose because the game crashes, bugs, etc. etc

SamHack13 stop mentioning me, son of a bitch.

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you still have not unbanned yourself from the forums
my PC is still alive and well
You haven’t even leaked my public IP

How much time you need for that? I mean, you are the expert hacker who made it sound like it was child’s play to you, easy stuff that could be done in seconds

and you play in a stupid laptop… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Force of habit. HP didn’t go down though, AS SEEN IN THE VIDEO

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no it doesn’t. It accepts my 0 value. Should I make a video with another person to show you that’s exactly what happens whenever I set anyone’s health to 0? Hack or not?

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HAHAHAHAHA look at this guy still trying to keep it up and desperately save face. If you didn’t take damage when I hit you or shot you, you may very well have locked HP, that part I will actually admit. I have not looked into it because why would I expect anyone to lock their HP in a public match? You would need to be host for one, and you would never know when you are because everyone always has a ping in pubs, and you said yourself that it doesn’t work because you’ve tried it. You even said yourself “the matches don’t seem to be fully P2P in pubs”. Duyyyy, maybe listen to yourself?

The point is that I CAN accomplish creating a call function that will tell the server that you took damage even though you locked your HP, THE EXACT SAME WAY that I have a call function for saying my HP is whatever I want it to be despite what YOUR server says. That I knew I needed for obvious reasons, so I coded it. I never did because I don’t need it, as explained above. Stay mad and in denial because I’m smarter than all 3 of you combined, and now it has all been proven to the rest of the forum for you guys to be laughed at while you bow in shame hahahahaha.

WHERE DID I DIE? Lmao, like if you can show us where I died, Jelou, we will accept it. That’s all that’s being asked here. Just show us where I died. At first I thought my character may have died on your screen or something because you were seeing it client-side while what the server was accepting from my hack was completely different, and maybe that’s what you meant, but YOUR OWN VIDEO LITERALLY DOESN’T SHOW ME DYING. Dude, you can’t just come here making up some bullshit rule. “When the match ends in a draw while you’re hacking, that means you died” lmfao so damn hilarious



Because, you are able to do it? and if so, what makes you think no one else could/would? Are you the best fucking hacker in the world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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They don’t have my inject, so how the fuck would that prove anything? They don’t have any hack whatosever, let alone a serverside hack. Dude just literally stop trying, you’re looking so desperate and stupid right now, like honest to God. If you could show us me actually being downed like the pred does in game, and not you glitching the match into a draw and calling it “that’s what happens when hackers die”, then alright bro. But until then, you’re just a fucking script kiddie that got made to look stupid and are mad, so you’re making up bullshit rules. We all saw the video. I wasn’t even close to you and was leaping through the air laughing while watching you try to adjust the HP value. Then it ended in a draw and the post results said alive for both of us, and I laughed my ass off at you while you said “you died though” lmao really? Where? Cuz we didn’t see it

83q9eq-1 83q9v7 83q9p4 83q9gx 83q9rm 83q9t6


Oh no doubt someone else could do what I do, but I know what level of expertise it would take, and that level of expertise is out of your price range. Which is why I don’t need to worry about it because you’re never going to find anyone willing to do it for you (and keep it updated mind you because remember I was hacking before Illfonic stopped updates) for anything you can afford. So ya, I’m not “THE BEST HACKER IN THE WORLD”, but I am sufficiently advanced. Advanced enough to do way more than all of you have even though you literally proved in this thread how in bed you guys are together with sharing all your secrets. Literally EVERYTHING all of your accuses always suspected on here, you proved it. You guys have been trying your hardest to get more and more hacks and keep it within your little clique, but you can’t because you don’t have the skillset, so you’ve had to settle for nothing but a basic chams ESP that likely you guys yourself didn’t even code. It was likely one of the old-timers that did it based on the unknowncheats post and left it with you all, and you’ve gatekept it ever since, and the fact that you were able to pull your little club together behind the scenes while all of this was going on right here just proves it all