@skoolboy and drums626


If ones uses Dante, support field medic or Recon tracker, he was no right to complain about the Axe. You are part of the problem on this game.


Kinda feels like unless I only use wristblades and don’t cloak, ft is going to be salty that I didn’t stand there and let them shoot me while whispering sweet nothings in their ear


Hey, GG. I totally understand, because I was literally doing the same last week, but it got old. The Axe does minimum 115 damage with a single Heavy, before passives, perks, and specializations get involved. It’s ridiculous. Regardless, I thought our match was fun. I think the no GG thing was mostly a joke.


You better start taking your games more seriously. Fucking casual


Durms and his entire team only wins against super trashy preds and yet people still watch his sry excuse for a stream

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You can use the axe if you want, win at any means necessary, but if you use the axe against a actual good team that know what their doing, you will get shredded.

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But even worse

He’s a nerd with a base PS4 😂


I was taking it moderately seriously, until my perfectly cooked reinforcement got activated early by a teammate and only brought one person back.

If we really wanted to win, we would all be Dante Field Medics, with Sawz50 and grenades, and we certainly would not be using in game chat and talking to the predator.


Dude. I run with him, and we do not try hard. I don’t even think any of us were running the Sawz50 in this particular hunt.

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I do hope you know I was kidding 🤗

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Whether its ft or pred even when he’s trying him and his entire team are trash i can easily tell just by looking at their aim and the way they play quit making excuses as to why you guys lose all the time

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Yes. I just wanted to tell my little story

Who hurt you man

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This should be obvious to everyone here but that dumbfuck talking shit is trying to get a rise out of anyone, just ignore him.
(Talking about the ps4 guy not OP)

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No one can hurt a God for I am forever and always


I like you

Gotcha. This forum. 😆

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I’m pretty sure it’s an alt account of that I-be-a-god kid that got banned sometime back. If not then he’s doing a good impersonation.

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I did by giving his nerd ass a swirly followed by a Melvin followed by asking his sister out on a date only to leave her in the cold