‘Skull’ Is an Origin Story About the First Time a Predator Comes to Earth;...

So if this is saying the its the first contact! How would the word get to other countries of such a beast? It really wouldn’t so that makes the lore safe

Who even has Hulu???

This movie is going to bomb hard as fuck

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This movie is going straight to Hulu? Lol I have Hulu because it came free with my cable subscription

I think it is

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Sweet!! Now I dont have to get stone cold stoned before going jnto the movie theater

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I do this before I see every movie

Why wouldn’t you?

Although I might be done with movie theatres

Just found out there was a shooting during a screening of the forever purge

Fuck that


Looks like it could very well be pg13 based off of Mr H latest video

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Daily reminder this movie was being produced under Fox, not Disney. This is fox on its regular schedule of not giving a shit about pred.

fucking hell you’re probably onto something lol.

why the hell would natives be the first time earth was worth visiting? These aren’t even Apocalypto natives this is just some forest elf Avatar bs.
we had T-rexes and cool stuff to kill but whatever for the sake of limiting tf out of the storytelling. I’d rather see vikings vs predator unironically. Beowulf vs predator would be better than this empowerment peice.

This is the same guy that directed an entire movie about a woman being trapped in a bunker for an hour and a half and then ran out and molotov’d an alien spaceship the last ten minutes.

PG13 like AvP is a death sentence but its a direct to dvd movie so pred is dead anyways.


God this movie is gonna suck

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I’m fine with THESE preds being deleted in a sense that they aren’t cannon… But to make the first predator hunt on earth set in the 1500s limits what lore can be cannonized going forward. I want to see more period Predator stuff. Preds fighting Crusaders, Vikings, Samurai… That’s all good stuff in my opinion. All this does is narrow the scope a bit and write themselves into a corner. It is what it is I guess. If they do it PG13 I’m out.


I want unga bunga vs predator!!

I’m my head canon Yautja have been hunting man since the dawn of man

They can time travel too

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As for tone, Davis reveals that “[ Skull ] has more akin to The Revenant than it does any film in the Predator canon,” further adding: “You’ll know what I mean once you see it.”

Describing it that way doesn’t make it sound too bad. I think as long as the main character is mostly just trying to survive, rather than actively engaging with the predator, it shouldn’t be all that bad.


I wouldn’t worry too much. Like previous movies, this one can and likely will be disregarded when it comes to continuity. Like I say, this franchise/films aren’t regarded as high art, and there’s no compulsion by the filmmakers to adhere strictly to what’s gone before - just look at the Terminator films.


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Damn… That wasn’t as bad as most fan films I’ve seen.

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So far the movies have made references to previous ones in some capacity.

It worked out well enough last time to bring people in. If the movie is good it won’t matter.

But D+ could get a pg-13 cut while Hulu gets an R-rating since apparently it will be coming out on Hulu and that fits with what Disney wants to distinguish with R and 13 films. So depending on platform you’d get the appropriate cut.

Its supposed to eliminate everything prior to Native Americans, as a fan I will take into account that going away from predators will hunt them and their trophies, it could indicate that they are the first to hunt natives and not affect the rest

cringy. If you can see the difference between professional and cosplay made stuff then you know which peoples are wasting their time doing indie work and people wasting time in general.

A professional standpoint proposes and utilizes professional means to create things that are above and beyond the work of students. This is student work.

Surely your not suggesting all low budget movies are bad? for some have good stories like Dog Soldier, I will never camp without their weakness ever again lol


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