Small suggestion regarding night maps

They are fantastic and a lot of fun to play, but the algorithm that was put in place to control the rotation between day and night maps is bugged – for 68 games as Predator only one was a day map, on the other hand, majority of my FT games are on day maps – this is clearly a bug.

A good solution to this would be giving us an option in menu to choose the time of day we want to play. Or fixing the algorithm, idk…



Any one find that when facing PC premades or just a team with more PC on it, you will likely to play a daytime map? Where as on PS teams, there will be more night play?
I just sort of notice it.
There is nothing wrong with the rotation enough for me to care since I play both sides and this kind of takes care of it in terms of rotation, but I do find it harder as a Pred to use Smart Disk in night maps, and feel there is better advantages to night maps for the predator from a visibility stand point.

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never thought of that - I will observe this bit more and see if this is the case for me as well. Colud explain why the ratio is all wrong

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i play all night maps it seems…i rarely get a day map playing as pred…i do get more day maps playing as ft tho …so yes this is messed up. a vote to skip map would help but im playing 80% -90% night maps over and over it sucks the fun out of playing imo

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