Smart Disc return flight.

Most irritating part about the Smart Disc for me is the return flight because of it getting stuck on odd objects and also having to retrieve it when its on the return. I’m fine with it getting stuck going forward, all I’m asking is to please make it so that the Disc doesn’t get stuck on the return flight. @Courier @OldKingHamlet


I like when it gets stuck on things that aren’t there. That’s the best. Great. Really great.


Or when recalling it , just flies through the whole fucking map

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Maybe outside yeah but if you throw it into a building and it comes back I think it still should get stuck on the walls in the room and whatnot.

I disagree. The Disc shouldn’t get stuck on the flight return, this will make the Disc more viable to use.

I just think it shouldn’t be able to be destroyed. I don’t mind picking it back up but having to do something risky to pick it up before one guy is able to destroy it because it got stuck on an invisible wall is bullshit.


Definitely should NOT be destroyable. No other pred equipment is, other then motion sensors… why… wtf

The recall just needs rework all together. Bc that shit flies out the fucking map at times and I’m completely out a weapon. Can’t be used, it’s gone. The whole match. Again wtf.

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Seriously, it’s supposed to be a high risk high reward weapon but the risks far outweigh the rewards. It’s buggy as all hell and and can be destroyed. The boost bug is still there too which locks you into boosting and fucks you over entirely and not to mention you are completely visible even while cloaked like wtf.

Part of the skill of using the disc is knowing you’re in a good spot to call it back to you.

Against even a moderately good team disk simply isn’t worth it. It’s fun for potatoes, nothing more.

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It can be used against a good team but you have to be really smart and risky with it combined with audio decoys.

Against a good team the Disc in its current condition is absolutely useless.

I’m not saying it can’t be done, just isn’t worth it in my opinion. It doesn’t do anything the caster, bow, and combi (throw) loadout can’t do better. That on city hunter with long jump adrenal and modified reserve is mean.

I’ve searched on Youtube to find where the Disc is viable against a good Fireteam and I cant find a single video.

He is the Disc Master… I Bet you cant handle him

They practically just stood there and let him hit them with the Disc. Not an Elite team: First clip 6:13 an Elite player would easily parry the Pred into second wind, he’s obviously not an Elite player. Even with the PC Preds good Disc skills the Fireteam still got away, that just shows how useless the Disc really is. You pretty much not only proved my point that the Disc needs some TLC but also the point of others in this thread that the Disc is great against potatos, not so much against good players.

No Elite Team? lol they are some of the best out there. did you read their Names? @Sharpy_47b, @Scarface_1983, @Voka_Ya , ADIsnap

You dont know them? Contact them and fight them and you will see how good they are…

When you watch these videos… for real… you have to acknowledge how good this guy is with the Disc!

Unless you use it in a smart way, I’ve killed a lot of my buddies in game with it and they melt preds wherever they go it all depends on how you use it and if you’re blessed by whatever deity you worship so that it doesn’t glitch out on you. Currently as it stands the disc needs some much needed attention but it is far from useless.

My Smart Disc Skills from 0-10 is a 6 I would say… Against Top FT I had not much success but here and there I get one with the Disc…

Against most FT I have success. Timing and the moment when you use it is important…

I love when they do reinforcement and Iam in a perfect position… SO I can send 3 of 4 or sometimes all 4 to the ground.

I agree with this. Yesterday I fought an Elder Pred who used the disc but it got stuck on a satellite transmitter, and I destroyed it before he could get it back. I solo’d him and got him in second wind, and chased him, downed and defused. Gotta love when all 3 other randoms have 0 damage.

But anyways, yeah disc should not be destructible. Takes out a very good ranged option for pred (assuming you have under 40 ping).

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