Smelling farts could be the best thing you do today

Fart Sniffer

Definition: Someone who is so pretentious they enjoy the smell of their own farts.

Example: People from San Francisco is made up of Fart Sniffers.

Hydrogen sulfide, commonly found in rotten eggs and human flatulence, could have significant health benefits in small doses, researchers at the University of Exeter say.

The study out of the University of Exeter in the UK found that the hydrogen sulfide gas found in rotten eggs and flatulence could reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack, strokes, arthritis, and dementia.

The Exeter scientists created a compound called AP39 that slowly delivers small, concentrated amounts of the gas to mitochondria, the “powerhouses” of cells that take in nutrients, break them down, and create energy. Preventing or reversing mitochondrial damage is considered key to treating a variety of ailments.

“Our results indicate that if stressed cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected and cells stay alive,” Professor Matt Whiteman

So the next time someone lets one go in your presence, consider loudly thanking that person and letting the stink sink in before running in the other direction. Or, since scientists have yet to confirm that smelling farts is as valuable as delivering their compounds straight to cells, at least remember to stop and appreciate that hydrogen sulfide isn’t all bad.

dude seriously… you need help. is your life so pathetic there’s nothing else for you to do to entertain yourself other than to continue coming here to have the same arguments with the same or newer people over and over again and again?

You got banned for a year and it will not be long till you get banned again, because you are insufferable bitch and nobody here likes you.

BTW who helped you get another account? Cause I know you are way too stupid to figure that out on your own.

Which one is it this time, Ashton or Fire?

This one is fire for sure.

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1 - I’m not “Fire”

2 - Your upset because I’m pointing out what a loser you are. Bragging on these forums like your somebody on a shitty game like this. Taking the time to STAT this STAT that on a shitty ass game like this.

3 - Having some sort of psychological deficit where your value is determined by this video game, and if you lose you take it so personally and you become devalued.

4 - You enjoy the smell of your own farts. Meaning you brag on this game which is a POS. You don’t like me because I devalue a game that is important to you. My beef is actually Illfonic but I’ll also show you some tough love bragging ln a stupid game like this as well.

sure buddy

C’mon man, you really have nothing better than to do this shit?

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Again, same question.

This game really brings out the best people, I can tell.

Did you lay that yourself?


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Yes. This is what you look like.