Snipers... snipers and more... snipers...

Or go with my idea of embracing the deathmatch mode. And making pred stronger, so ft can get a lot more toys and be funner to play.

Cause I would love for the ft to get a exo suit, like in black ops 3, and we can go full melee vs pred.

I’m down for either one.
I’m good at stealth and I love stalking and watching ppl in games, and fucking with them xD.

But I also love over the top, fast paced combat…

So il take either one tbh.

Honestly there is no reason they cant do both. My only suggestion is that they keep some of the absurdities of each game mode in their respective mode

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I honestly think your notes should be made in to a game mode to further or more closely simulate the first movie .

Eeeeeasy on the toxicity here, guys. He makes a valid point that I’ve gone over myself. Simply saying “git gud” isn’t a valid argument and should be ignored, and dealt with accordingly. If you can’t pose a counter argument with evidence and facts, don’t. Posting rhetorical responses just makes you look bad, no one else.

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I mean I agree that the predator should not be OP that would be dumb but also hey dude. Let’s stop pretending it’s not FT favored like. 100% lol

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