So..35 more days (roughly) till next DLC...

Ohhh, that onee!

Same here

All they need is something grotesquely scary or gas weapons for the pred…Ive been asking for these a while now. Its the only things left on the list of things to do for this game. And trust me, when they finish that, the game is complete. It will be whole. They just need to market the crap out of every single thing thing theyve made in one completely package, video or trailer,marketing campaign etc.

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Gas weapons…like?🤔

I suspect, at some point, they will introduce Sean Keyes as a playable character; I’m not 100% sure it would be paid DLC. It makes sense since he’s played a vital role in telling the story of P:HG, through the OWLF tapes. What really leads me to believe he’ll be playable is: he tells Dutch in the last tape that he wants to help in a more meaningful way.

"When everything else fades away, the path becomes clearer. If you’re going to keep up this fight, then I want in. You’re going to need everyone you can get."

They already have Jake Busey on retainer; so, it would be easy for them to record all of his in game dialogue. Who knows, he may get the largest number of unique dialogue options?

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Think about it, there are already visual effects in the game that produce mist like the Ft’s ACIG / Thermal decoy and smoke grenades, I’m sure making an arrow transmit this FX with additional visual warpage would be a simple thing to to put together for a predator weapon.

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Tracker mask is the one i want. Along with harrigan or royce. Not only that but im still a broken record about gauntlet mode.

As for dlc predators…if they did Ahab that would be a new predator and weopon assuming they would have his engineer rifle. That would be ideal. Another would be wolf with his whip.

As for cosmetics id rather have more custimizations and accessories for the predator and also the ability to mix and match armor, trophy jewelry (JH 87 and elder necklaces) as well as new types of armors that are interchangeable also maybe add battle scars like eye scar like Ahab, broken mandible, etc.