So I was testing.

Fervent+Downrange with Disc leaves support 175 hp with only 17 hp… And Hammer heavy doesn’t even do nearly as much as that like literally 134 hp. So yeah…argue amongst yourselves.


Melee continues to be bad more news at 11

and yes probably that dmg out of a disc hit+return is probably too strong having a single item enforce 2 perks is probably not good

Or just uh let people see both teams loadouts (spec/class) at lobby and i mean FT can see predator’s and vice versa so situations like this doesn’t feel like loss at class select

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No, that was just the hit, not even on the return.

ok lol that’s way worse that’s just a one tap down to every class in the game a return no perks is 55dmg

a legit setup that forces a game to be 1v3 all the time

That’s my point, literally forces a 1 v 3, so one unlucky soul will never get to play lol.

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Fervent needs removing it’s way to powerful for what it is. So many Fireteam rage quits because they get one shot downed and get claimed, this specialisation will ruin the game. This is from my own perspective whilst playing Predator with Fervent and Downrange.

well in a more hilarious note Wrathful vikings with fearless axe heavies one shot every class that has less than 160hp

That’s good… it’s the disc… the highest skill cap weapon in the game that leaves you totally vulnerable as well…

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Dear God. I want to try it lol.

it’s pretty funny just sucks that you have to like run at the Fireteam and run past them to get them to shoot your back

Need impenetrable for that then too.


few questions about the disk.

Can you hear it coming?
Is it easy to see?
It can be shot/destroyed?
Limited range

it has a lot of disadvantages but maybe it could do with some tweaks when combined with those perks but i still think its too early to say if something brand new is OP or not. iv NEVER actually managed to hit anyone with a disk… maybe after patch i should try again.

It’s only hard to hear when it’s slow when it’s sped up it’s really hard to dodge, and the range is pretty decent on it now, and you have 3 discs now.

hm interesting. Yep there may be some tweaking needed with it. give it some time and see what everyone else thinks.

If its super hard to land in play then gets destroyed then i guess its high risk item and deserves high damage. but if its abusable and too easy to get insta kills and collect it back then it could do with a change.

Keep an eye on it.

Like here’s the thing, I can be cloaked, I can throw it right next them, I can claim them, all within a few seconds.