So October is almost finshed

Are we getting dlc?

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Yes would love for the ft to have a dildo launcher and the Pred having a dbl sided dildo for a combi stick variant

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yes. but probably wont drop before the 27th

Dlc is dropping on the 27th

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What is it? Lol. Just because of that fake ass redit post

Maybe next week, the day before the live stream. Not holding my breath. Would prefer optimization tbh.

They did that for clash upon release. Released new content and showcased it. Pretty smart imo because ANYTHING posted by them is bombarded with the following:
“When are bugs gonna be fixed”
“Illinois sucks”
“Game is dead”

I know for a FACT nearly everyone here is going to be watching it.

Grow up people and enjoy the game for what it is.


No. Thank you for being a friend.

I am enjoying this game. To the fullest @VENN7eance challenge gave me to meaning as a pred. Also clash has made me a overall better pred and ft player


Wait, wut?
No no no no no.

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Lollll More like Idaho sucks but we will keep that here

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Don’t know

We know there are two more maps and another game mode

The OWLF agent

The Shuriken

Scar and Mr Black were supposedly found in the files

Plus they said they have plans for the rest of the year

I don’t think there will be any dlc in 2021 or beyond

I hope to be wrong though

There still less than a million players

Games as a service need to come out of the gate running and this game definitely stumbled and fell out of the gate

They are not that wrong

So how much V should we be saving for new shiz? 😜

Given that most update cosmetics cost a minimum of 7500VT, you’ll probably want to have 45,000 VT😈

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Good idea. I have 30k saved. I’d better get playing 😁