So, the next update will be on halloween...

Ideally gauntlet mode will do something with night maps.

Basically that it starts at sundown and the longer you go without reaching exfil results in you loosing more and more visibility. That way you have to work fast and in turn make more mistakes for either team to get you.


In the best case scenerio, nightmaps and fog will be so problematic for navigation that there will have to be a new gameplay mode to heighten everyones directives!

Its like you probably could walk 10 meters without getting absolutely lost! so spotting an area would be crucial!

There will be no special Halloween event

That’s what DBD is for

Maybe night ops are coming

Maybe it’s a trophy

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I dont like DBD. i dont like the concept of powertripping killers or playing as dumb ass pre-teens.

At least EVilDead will let us play as 'the king baby!" ASH! and that game isnt even out yet.

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So buy a mouse and keyboard and git gud

And buy world war z

It’s from the evil dead developers

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touche. I already have one. and i dont need to .cuz i am!

i already tried it;. i refunded. the story and concept is ska-ta!

Until you play Dbd and git gud


dickinthejarrow too long. Its now conjeeled to a mayo consistency. No more soup for you!

Then your not going to like evil dead

You dont even know what game im talking about!

There’s another upcoming evil dead game?

Dear Lord Schwarzenegger , please kill @BadBlood and smear his liquid remains on the jungle floor.

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No amount of mice and or keyboards can help you

for what? i dont understand. what are you getting at?


please no.

That would be fun

I bet you feel foolish now having wasted an exorbitant amount of money procuring peripherals en masse

With zero impact

I bid you git gud sir

why! i just wanted to do GUD For all mankind! OP doesnt deserve this shit!