So unbalanced and one sided for pred

I am seeing the rules just now…damn these guys seem to understand balance better than illfonic! ;)

Since the first 2 attacks are unparriable

you can’t have more than one SAWZ which when it’s the best of the 3 snipers in fact you can’t have more than one gun period for the tournament so that means only 2 people get good secondaries everyone else gets garbage
and they banned yaujta’s bane and gearhead and only one person can a have a medkit/ammo bag

what rules limit the predator you ask?
nothing just uh don’t use the same predator class 2 times in a row but that predator class can literally use the exact same loadout

and while yeah the best overall AR is the hammer head
in a close quarters situation like predator getting a quick claim that you can see or him comming at you in melee nothing invalidates a predator more than the AK with 3.4s TTK


Most of people suck with Predator and think ft need million of nerfs. Just look at the tournament of today. Dice won agaisnt a full russian team in 3 minutes without these limitations. I won agaisnt russian teams 5 times in a raw these days. People just suck and now with the silente buff of AI the game is be absolutly winnable for the Pred side, maybe the game need some adjustments but absolutly we are in a good spot right now, better than before I would say.

I’d certainly say we are closer now than before but i’m still steadfast against a single FT being able to kill a predator in less than 6 seconds or take a mask in less than 4 shots

Predator can down a ft member in one/two seconds and jump away

One spear throw in the head is a down or one spear throw in the body and one wrist blade melee attack can down a ditch class full hp (with the lastest silent buff of wrist blade that now does 37 damage).

right but it’s not hard to avoid a spear throw if you see the predator take aim hell most predators can’t even hit a sprinting target

even if it does hit you if your not support just run in a circle the wristblades do not swing horizontally so the tracking doesn’t help him so you heal to full in 2 seconds cause of a syrenge then turn around and kill him for trying to melee

but it is hard to avoid hitscan bullets and decent audio tracking

It depends on how good the predator is, you can predict ft movement and hitting one fucking wrist blade from close range is not that hard. Like only a retard can miss multiple wrist blade melee attacks.

their are more" retards "baddies than you think

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Small children ~ retards

I’m a retard, so could you pick a better word.
It’s the principle of the the thing, no need to be assholes.

Is removing preds headshot damage the new meme? Seems to be an upsurge in complaints about getting hit in the face.

Can’t have things dying if you hit them in the head with projectile weapons that’d be unfair.

On topic, there’s still people who don’t like the 4v1 thing because it doesn’t feel fair when you get combisticked wristbladed from full invis and your team’s not there but that’s the thing. Dying to pred is ALWAYS going to feel like cheap bullshit its a stealth asymmetrical. When its not and pred runs in to melee, the pred dies. People feel like they should always have a chance to react when nothing’s going to make it feel fair in an 4v1 built around the solo player killing people from stealth or shooting them in the back.

I don’t know what the expectation is. Launch week firing caster in between wristblade melee strings and everyone was like “ooh aah thats impressive” back when no one knew how to play the game & didn’t have any equipment unlocked?
If you removed every quick combo in the preds kit really all you have left is charged caster shots from max range and bow while pred waits for the FT to run out of heals before ~7 mins. Even then people still complain about bow headshotting low hp classes because wah its not fun getting shot in the back.

I agree. But on the same hand, I dislike when I do react and he just tanks through it and wipes me either way

Nerf perry and make pred more silent up close. That won’t matter much on less skilled level cause perry is likely the last skill masters by FT, but will give more breathing room for pred at top level play where FTs play as a team.

Of course that would matter to less skilled people. If right now its so fucking hard to parry, and 1 missed parry and you’re dead, imagine if they nerf it some more. You’re going to have predators running in and killing the entire team in melee (less skilled players).

You’re the only one to make since on this forum. 😂

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I dont think its as hardcore as 1 missed parry and you are dead. Not yet at least.