Soda teir list

Pepsi mango?


That sounds delicious.

Yeah, me too I thought it really wasn’t but it was on the teir list thing do I put it on

And Dr pepper is eh, it’s good but not too good

Personally I like Cherry cola better than normal, normal is okay

It wasn’t even on this teir list, I used a pre made one and used what it had.

And yes, classic unflavored chips deserve to be lower

And lemonade was in the premade one too. I don’t think lemonade is a soda

I clearly messed up on the lemonade part

You should make your own soda teir list, I wanna see what it has

Water tier list? 👀



Anyone of y’all had the new “Southern Shock” Mountain Dew from Bojangles? It’s damn good…

Nope, I haven’t, seems good

I don’t like Dr. Pepper it tastes like toothpaste with sugar

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Yo would u count monster as a soda or energy drink? Also it would be Z tier prove me wrong…