Soldiers Predators

Lol can you believe these guys were supposed to be in that horrible movie as turncoats lol

The Emissary Predators were two Yautja from the same clan as the Fugitive and Upgrade Predators, who were cut from the 2018 film The Predator .

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I need to order these

Couldn’t have been worse than what we got.


I was happy with what we got.

I guess you were Shane Black’s target audience.

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Honestly at this point, they would have made the movie better with a longer fight scene of Predator vs Predator compared to the 15 second bullshit we got. Not to mention a connection between human and Predator team up like in the comics. I’m just saying they could have helped the movie, but as many times as you polish shit your still gonna get shit

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Doesn’t really say much.

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Well the reboot got rebooted so we are good…now we are getting a lol girl to kill a Predator now lol

Basically JH from Fortnite

Lol ya with the dance moves and everything

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Ese tio es un hijo de puta y se cago todo lo que pudo y mas en predator

i loved the second half of that movie the first half was meh but once the fugitive dies, shit got good


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I’d rather have that than autism is god

That actually looks kind of cool. The mask should have camo too


At least they were handsome figures.

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Why does the one on the right look like a reskin of Alpha lol

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