Some things I'd like to talk about

Some topics I like to hear people’s opinions on

  1. Both Dutch 2025 and Hunter Borgia are both now Human Predator hybrids.
  2. We should be able to wear Dutch’s Predator mask or any Predator mask as headgear
  3. Future Cosmetics ideas
  1. I don’t have anything to add.
  2. we should be able to wear a mask but on our body, in such fashion as Dutch 2025. So sayeth me.
  3. we need faction-specific cosmetics and daily challenges that help us rank up in these factions. Or, at the very fucking least, cosmetics that are unlockable for completing challenges (or the trophies) so you can track your goddamn progress.
  1. (continued) I would love to see different class outfits. We’ve had only two per for the longest time. Give us something to unlock, something to look forward to.

Borgia, sure.

Dutch 25 is a hybrid? He stopped aging. He has better than youthful energy. But a hybrid. I’m not so sure. Is a burn victim with a skin graph from a pig, a hybrid? If you get a blood transfusion, are you hybridized with your donor. I don’t consider him a hybrid.

I agree We need more FT outfits and Predator armors


He when under other experiments as well
Ad the Predator stuff did mess with his genetics a bit

No I want to wear a Predator mask on my FT face
Also I want the Dutch’s mask on my Predators

A new level cap and new outfits at lvl 200.


And every class gets a new outfit/armor that would be the best

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