Soooo Palm Trees...

Can someone, IDC who, but someone explain to me how a palm tree leaf can stop a fully charged plasma shot dead in its tracks, BUT FT bullets seem unaffected?? Had a hell of a time going up against 3 Field Medics and a Scout Dualist and they hid behind those Palm leaves and I couldn’t touch them with ranged weaponry…seems a bit weird and unnecessary for there to be one sided collision physics on a palm leaf


Better than getting stuck in a falling animation on a tree and dying.


I loath playing on Headquarters for this exact reason. I try to blow through the match when it’s selected. Yeah fuck those palm trees.

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I would assume the fully charged plasma caster has a large Hitbox and the tip of the palm tree or the stems that the leaves come out of are just big enough that they clip each other meanwhile again

ft guns are hitscan so the moment they pull the trigger anything in crosshair takes dmg no projectile so nothing to get stuck on also palm tree lees aren’t destructible so bullets go through unlike the brush on the ground or branches on trees




Captain Planet mother fucker


Buff trees, buff pigs, nerf pred. Simple as


Obviously you don’t ever play as fireteam.


Bro u know like they made out of TUNGSTEN

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It took you guys this long to notice this… Also bullets wont go through

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Makes sense its just kind of lame

I think the only obvious thing is you just like to be a dick 😆👍 and I do play FT quite a lot actually, more than I would like TBH, but Pred Teams are still not a thing so until then its FT with Da Boyz or solo Pred Hunts PHG BAU.
But thanks for your input.

It seems like they do but it could have just been the angles or whatever, but also for some reason I always get HQ as Pred or at least more often than I do when I play FT. It seems like the game just forces my team onto 1 of 3 maps for some reason, we always hitting Derailed, Overgrowth, or Backwater.

Uh oh, you didn’t kiss his ass. Now he’s going to get all pissy

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Are you able to get a photo or video of this for us?


Been there

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Yeah actually I’ll get some of my footage together and post it here

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Any update on that video?

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Sorry work has been crazy lately but yes I will post it here soon thank you for following up with me! 😎👍 I think this may be the first time anyone has 👌😁

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Here it is

@Kassinaillia Hope it helps, shout out to my boi Blqnk who helped me test this 😁👍