I thrown the spear to the tree and it went under the map without the possibility to pick it up. Plus happened many times that spear went outside the map for no reason, lime I shot it with a low angle and it went across the map outside. This must be fix because you lose your primary weapon for the entire game.

Has happened since 1.06 when i started playing, also sometimes it completely disappears when you throw it straight down into the ground.

Happens always to me with the smartdisc

I think it being throw outside of the map has to deal with what little drop off the angle really has. And the fact that projectiles dont seem to clip with the invisible wall around the map.

Now through the map idk about that man thats strange. I truly dont use the combi because there are far better weapon choices but to each their own

Has happened since day one and now it happens even more frequently. Most of the time happens when I play private games against my friends. It’s already hard to deal against them because they are good and ft is op, then I have to deal even with those bugs.

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This is the most annoying thing since as I’ve expressed in another post the spear is basically my only weapon. My suggestion to Illfonic to prevent this sort of thing is maybe have a system where after like 5 minutes the Predator just automatically reclaims his spear? It’s not perfect, but you shouldn’t lose the spear just because it glitches or goes to far for you to reach. At least in my opinion the player shouldn’t be punished for chucking the weapon meant to be thrown

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