Specializations and balance


  • team proximity dmg reduction, 20 to 10%


  • bullet dmg increase, 10 to 5%


  • deadly 10 to 5%
  • leader 10 to 5%
  • sniper 15 to 10%
  • overwatch 15 to 10%
  • scavenger, wpn pickup dmg 15 to 10%
  • duelist 20 to 10%



  • base dmg 235 to 195



I think that’s fair. Wouldn’t mind seeing some creative predator specialization too

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Me too, but trying to limit these to fireteam.

The support passive damage reduction ahould be removed in my opinion. Sniper from 15 to 5% because it’s a dmg boost for the entire team. Same for leader. Also Pred needs million buffs to range weapons.

I haven’t seen any meaningful advantage to the Specialization in the weapons damage area at all.
To me, if you still expend the same amount of ammo on AI, and not get anywhere with predator DMg that accounts for anything substationally time saving then Nerfing them to zero will do nothing to make these changes valid.
How did you come to these conclusions?

Were you in a FT with everyone using the SAME specialization?
Please indicate, because where you see an advantage is probably a rare occurance.

IMHO the only Specializations worth using is Feild Medic and Amphib. because they give the most observable difference.

Oh shit. Are you sure?

Entire team of what? PS premades? PS randoms? Dont you think the buff is justified for those who aren’t gud? You need to get into your head Arrow that PS also exist and frankly, don’t do so well as you do Mr.Arrowculis. and maybe thats why they set it at 15%.

I played around 1/6 matches where I had a full FT team with Specializations. and that was like a wow moment.
and their they didn’t really do that well either.

MassImpact are you aware that ps4 teams can beat easly pc predator too? Are you aware that noobs are noobs not because they dont deal damage but because they dont recognize the Predator position when he is shooting to them? https://youtu.be/cgCMpdisOW4

They set it a 15% because they are retarded and they dont know how to balance their own broken game. In fact that game got many many complains patch over patch, not surprised. The balance of this game is one of the worst ever. And only Illfonic ass licker can defend it.

The most game breaking thing for me is the 20% damage reduction. It makes everyone like a Support. They should completely remove it and give to the Support a different passive perk. It’s by far the better perk ever and there are no reason to pick a class but not a Support. It was already broken before, now is non sense. It shouldnt be nerfed to 10% because even 10% is too much. They should just remove it and replace it with other things that are not damage reduction or Damage boost.

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PS partys vs PC pred…maybe they are good but from the main matches I’ve had, that is not the case. You need to have more examples and if they are using Specializatios, you’ll need to indicate it. Are they DLC Dutches? Please note it.
Are they streaming? That is also 10000% guarantee that they are doing a show. Ive seen alot of youtube videos where the FT teams are literally having a cookie and tea while playing. Not a indicator of real situations.

As far as the PS parties/ or publics which we will never know exactly, this needs to be looked at with a microscope, namely what classes they use, specializations.

Yes i realize that…i agree. ThE fact that noobs are still going to be noobs was in my reply. When will you start agreeing with me Arrow?

Why are they retarded for setting it at 15%? When noobs are noobs don’t you think they will need that 15%?
They are trying to balance it from noobs to hardcore…to make them all Medium level. I don’t get your anger dude.

So if they do what you want, and nerf the fuck out of it, they will be severely unbalanced. So that Pred will win everytime with little effort! Where is the balance in that?

Pre made fireteams were already stronger than most predators, without specializations. How could nerfing the specializations result in predators being OP?

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I wasn’t agreeing with Arrow with my statement. I still think even with all these nifty specializations, the best PC FT are still going to win either way, so at least PS have a chance with Specializations. If PC FT are matched with PS FT then there is a giant gap in skills that squeeze that single PC down to a nerfed level.

Ps4 vs ps4 is in the advantage of fireteam. Balancing around pc pred vs ps4 is not a good deal, since pc is 5% of the entire player base.

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