
The specialization perks are decent, really I can’t say their not useful (if you know how to use them) but perks like Fervent, stalker and focus are weak! Fervent literally feels like it does nothing in terms of damage or whatever it does and Focus is literally encouraging isolation instead of learning how to find fireteam (which ok good for novice players) but doesn’t make all the much difference. Stalker feels like one of those perks that work when your using it with the plasma caster or range weapons… I just think they could use a bit of tweaking,
For example:
Focused: in addition of what it does, it also cancels all ringing when explosions go off.
Stalker: In trees no simmer when completely still (or maybe even crouched).
Fervent: Do more damage when parts of the mission are completed and is differ with the amount fireteams that are alive and still standing. (Kind like how fireteam gets a small boost when reinforce, predator gets a boost when the mission is completed and the player are all still standing)
This would be good for mission that are short and can be literally completed in like 3 minutes

Lemme get this straight. You think Stalker is weak? Why? It allows you to straight up one shot, with the Smart Disc & Fully Charged Plasma Shots, anyone at or below 150 HP: which includes Assault; Recon, Scout, OWLF Operative. That’s 4 out of 8 out the Classes currently in the game at the time of this post. Half the human Roster can be instantly downed with a single shot if you run a Stalker Elder with Down Range. Considering Elder is already the best Ranged class in the game, that’s a stupidly powerful buff to the Class.

Stalker is the best IMO

Thats my point exactly, it’s only encourages plasma spamming which I can tell, you like to use, and there’s nothing wrong with that but, it shouldn’t be something you get freely as a specialization, that should have some type of sacrifice, make it a perk if anything! Predator stalker should be something to encourage players to stay in the cuts while watching the fireteam doing they’re mission, too be more, you know, STEALTHY? Like the name fits?

That’s the problem though. The fireteam can clear some missions in just a few minutes. And ironically, some Predator players can kill the entire fire team before they even get to the 13 minute mark.

This isn’t really a stealth game, sadly. And you can’t risk stalking your prey for very long, because they can choose to ignore the mission and turn the hunt on you or they can bumrush the objectives (sometimes while one of them distracts you) and you risk losing some, or all, of your prey.

If illfonic wants to retain a decent player base, they are going to have to do a few things first, standard balancing issues aside for right now. The average player seems to only be playing this game for about a week and then they’re gone. So, while it’s great and all that illfonic is getting that $15 or $20 profit… they aren’t retaining many of these players. There’s a whole list of reasons, but I believe the manner in which typical matches occur is the culprit.

Here’s what I would change:

For starters, lengthen the matches to at least 20 minutes. I’d argue even 25… maybe. It depends on what they do with my next point.

Three mission strings is not enough. Period. It should be four or five. And tweak some of the overly short ones, as well as some of the more obtusely lengthy ones—to create a more natural flow to each mission.

Next, give the Predator an objective in the beginning. There should be absolutely NO reason for any Predator to be leaping into a fireteam as they leave the infiltration point. None whatsoever.

There needs to be a stargazer base or an invisible spacecraft where the Predator must go to retrieve all of their non-standardized gear, before they can begin the “true hunt.” I’d probably recommend this to either be somewhat short in length or add at least two extra mission strings (for a total of five) to the fireteam, to make up for whatever time the Predator has to spend obtaining his gear.

And lastly, give everyone an extra heal. Both Predators and fireteam. You would almost have to do so, with the extended match length. Or raise everyone’s base health and healing item recovery—assuming the latter isn’t already adjusted to heal a percentage, instead of a base number.

For shits and giggles, I’d kind of like to see a perk that replaces the long claim animation with a skull crushing animation, if you end up playing like a Bad Blood, because the team you fought irritated you. Obviously, it would give less xp than even a normal quick claim, since you’re giving up the trophy. I mean, if they’re plasma spamming, they’re probably a bad blood anyway. Might as well give a perk that suits the playstyle.

Speaking of the stalker specialization. I really think it needs a built-in “light bender” attribute. Just seems like it fits. Or the Elder himself needs the attribute.

Predators Battle Royale 2022

again 90 percent of the videos when this game came out spoke of all the bugs…

There are still so many nobody really want to play it.

I think 2 things.

the predator classes are hp max speed and stamina with some small bonus to dmg… the Fire team have massive boosts to dmg. If you run the leader perk. Its a free bane perk. Predator needs his dmg back or its gonna be a plasma caster fest. You are not gonna jump around good ft’s like a frog launching arrow shots. And 2 of the maps favor FT heavily over predator. Pipeline and train are easy Fireteam wins

That’s actually not true, sure the smart disk can 1 shot a few members with stalker like assault but it’s always been a 1 shot weapon against scout and recon. The disk is extremely hard to use against good fire teams because it gives away your location is easy to see and dodge plus it leaves you vulnerable

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Plenty of ways to counter it for sure

Till I keep you moving cause your spotted lol!!

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What are you on about? My main kit consists of the Combistick & Netgun. Sometimes I take the Katana to try out some Bleed Hit & Runs, and lately I been trying out the Disc on a Hunter to get better with it. Only time I use the Plasmacaster is to create openings on FT by hitting them with a fully charged bolt before leaping in with the stick & netgun to soften 'em up further before escaping for another strafing run. Plasma Spamming has no Honor in the hunt, same with Bow Hopping. So I’ve been avoiding Stalker Elder gameplay like Bow Hopping until they bring some kind of change to the Spec that stops it from being able to just curbstomp the vast majority of FTs. It’s a Specialisation that is definitely too strong for its own good/offers little in the way of Risk to make up for it. At least with Ghost Valks & Samurais who also have one-shot potential you need to be using weapons like the Axe of all things and getting in super close which is incredibly risky. Stalkers just get to hang back and spam at range.

You’re a plasma spammer? Damn, guess I just never noticed all the times I’ve practiced against you.


Plasma spammer = using PC more than 4 times a match

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Damn u rite.

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In some cases its more than once lol!! Some ft are very sensitive when you throw shoot more than once

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How dare the pred used range attacks when there’s so many melee weapons to choose from

Considering how often I survive or straight up win melee fights against preds, I understand why they start going only plasma caster lol

Oh baiting the pred into 1v1 is one of my favorite things

Yeah don’t ever fight this man in a Melee duel. He has some bullshit on his side. Some of the recordings I’ve seen, and matches where I’ve been firsthand to witness it, he’s out here playing Super Punch Out whilst the Preds are playing Checkers. Should’a seen this one clip of him duking it out with a Katana Pred inside a very small office room. 2nd Winded the poor sod like he had Ultra Instinct.

Shit Wuff can pull off is why I carry a Netgun on me at all times.