Spider-Man No way home

The new one? Fuck that’s cringe.

Yeah it’s like how comically undignified will things get next?

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Homecoming and Far From Home were not good, especially Far From Home was absolute shit,
but No Way Home is a decent movie, at least on the “entertainment” side, good characters, good moments and the fights were good too.

Sadly Tom Holland’s Peter Parker/Spider-Man’s is still an empty character, everyone is more interesting to watch than him, and he has no real independent growth even in this movie, imho.

Yip , he says that he assumed he would be black , I’m genuinely suprised they didn’t throw miles morales in

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It was more entertaining because they nostalgia bombed everyone , when I first saw the trailer my exact thoughts were “they have ran out of ideas and are going back to the well and pulling from previous movies”. The villains etc , they knew it was bound to get some raimi trilogy fans and then the amazing spiderman villains. Totally throwing nostalgia at consumers and they knew it would land with enough fans of the three iterations.

Marvels momentum peaked at infinity war and end game . Anything I have seen of the shows? They suck , same with the movies , they were subtle until end game and then they went full politics.


It’s the woke phase 4 writers making crap like Eternals. They moved in after Marvel got popular. Same happened to Star Wars.


I’m not feeling very entertained by “entertainment” these days 😫

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We just gotta hope that Prey surprises us in a good way


If only we could go back to the 80’s…



The next movie will be spider man: at home

My step dad and real dad said it’s this one


Then I wrote this
