Stargazer Armor gear cosmetics

Is there any chance we an get some of the Stargazer armor cosmetics like the Idol guy I think he is called?

This could also work well for cosmetic options for support class as they are a bulkier armor as is.

Also some Stargazer take on predator cosmetics for armor and weapon skins, kind of like The Predator movie sort of introduces at the end of it with the armor.

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I don’t know why we don’t have some of those cosmetics. The heavy PMC helmet seems like it’d have been obvious. Like armor styles would make sense to unlock the other models as easy to do cosmetics that’d even have tactical benefit of potentially confusing Predator.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up for the Predator killer either. I legit asked this and they gave us a football player instead. No enforcer using it or a special character like Quinn. They just wouldn’t do it. Though The Predator is the current black sheep, that films gear and characters would be really fun and useful for the game. Naturally we got two norse Predators with tactically identical weapons and a football player. Should the shuriken even release, no we’re not even getting Fugitive since it will be arriving with an OC.

I think OWLF operative was designed as a pred killer capable of self-sustaining with a lot of gear but also having good stamina and move speed to chase. Just a thought tho