Steam Bundle Confusion

Just purchased and downloaded, and I can confirm that the Predator Bundle Edition (@ 15% off) does include the early-access masks and shaders featured in the Predator DLC Bundle. So that’s definitely the option to go for on Steam.



Definitely not bad, but it’s a small number in both pictures. From what I saw most people would give it a shot since Steam is much more popular than Epic and Predator fan base is huge, but the price is too high. I hope it gets on sale soon or maybe some discount.

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Yeah, I have two friends who are just waiting for the next sale.

I’m getting it too as soon as the price drops a little bit. Also then I can uninstall Epic Launcher and that’s a great thing.

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@OldKingHamlet you mentioned the new masks will be available in game eventually. Do you mean we’ll be able to purchase them with V?

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