Story Mode

Great idea!

Turn that frown upside down , mate . There will be some chance yet.

Its too big to expect an indi developer to do , but an open world pred game would be awesome , but I’m guessing its easier said that done and they maybe don’t see a big enough market to invest the time and money into one . The day someone implements the gta 5 predator mod into red dead 2? I’m buying it on pc 😆

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They cant even get the fireteam dropping in right , and thats only a 20 second cinematic 😁

Lol sweet 😎

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me and sooooo many other people have been asking for this…BEFORE the game was even released. SO many people asking for offline content or a single player story mode, but Illfonic believes everyone wants to play an online game 24/7 which is 100% incorrect, Like me i personally bought F13 when and only when they added offline content. Honestly I just see them as lazy not not adding one cause adding a story mode would mean they have to be able to actually have good AI and have to be creative with their writing

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You would imagine with how little has actually been done , and the dumpster fire that is their matchmaking , that offline mode would have been a serious thought 😁.

The two added maps that look like a copy and paste of each map did take alot of time and effort to do , I guess

thats what I’m saying they are lazy and its ridiculous how they are given these franchises and making crap half assed games out of them and they honestly think they are doing a good job. An indie game with less workers and little to not money have games with more content and look better then predator and F13