Straight up can't get a pred lobby

Done 👍🏻

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It was doing this earlier, guessing the population of people is slowly withering away : /

I remember the day when we had triple digit amounts of people playing. (Closer to the beginning of the game).

Now there’s barely 10 of anyone on at a single time… with pc friends included…

The turn around of new players SURELY won’t be as long as it has been with older players, due to us OG players having hope of new content or future plans.

All it takes is one YouTube search to see why people might not want to pick this game up, due to a ton of content creators abandoning the game or providing negative press about it.

Also this game being listed as one of the top 10 worst games of 2020., won’t make new players want to bat an eye at it.



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Where did you get the playerbase numbers from? On console alone by November last year they sold over 500k copies , that should put it into perspective how the majority viewed this game

The number of posts about empty lobbies (myself experiencing 1 to 2 person lobbies multiple times on many occasions) and noticing peak times of when people play this game.

I can easily say I play more of this game than most people, even from this forum. (Not a flex, just to provide validity to my claims).

I dont think anybody would interpret it as a flex mate 😄 and I mean i doubt a vast majority played much of this , and I dont blame them

I had to clarify cause folks round here enjoy throwing text (hands lol) for no reason xD

I have tried many times to play at different times around the clock and honestly it’s a small playerbase that isn’t necessarily getting any bigger, or if they have the game, it has been shelfed.

I used to see over 100 people online at one time just playing this game.

Now I barely see 10 ps and pc combined :(

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He thinks he has server vision!

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I dont blame them at all , if I didn’t start playing with forum members I would have stopped playing around November time . I dont even play now because nobody I know plays it anymore . Its always on sale aswell and they practically run it into the ground and not being on xbox or steam certainly didn’t help their cause

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There is too much validation, from YouTube and twitch content creators that this game isn’t worth peoples time.

That’s the first place ppl new and old are gonna go to learn new things about this game.

Even ppl here in the forum get hit with the swift feeling of abandonment from the devs, but at least have the community that has persevered all this time.

Just needs to be put out of it’s misery :(

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Mate , stevie wonder could tell you this game looks like shit

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People are moving on

500k is pathetic numbers


I bet if they each gave you a dollar you wouldn’t think its pathetic 😁. Thats console only , no idea how many pc sales there would be and since those numbers it has been on sale at least twice

They failed to remain competitive with the countless other games

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I would settle for 50 cents from each of them

Their best bet is to go F2P at this point

They’re just trying to generate as much cash as they can before they do so

That’s why it’s already in the bargain bin

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And then have skins at $10 a pop? Pffft , thats maybe why they are holding on to the movie skins

Fuck it yeah $10

I already have them so more power to them

Maybe have it $10 for the ones who got it free and $7 for those who bought it

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Future skins mate , they released dutch twice , jungle , city and elder . Would explain why they haven’t released more movie skins 🤔 , we have been playing a paid early access to iron out the game for free-to-play release 😱😱

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Yea cheapskates should pay $10 for all skins

Those who bought the alpha version pay $7

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