Sturla's take about the update.

Is not about work. They simply need to update the EasyAntiCheat client, but in order to do that, you need to pay EAC (which is owned by epic). Try running Fornite with CheatEngine installed on your computer… EAC will detect it immediately. You literally cannot even have it installed, it doesn’t even need to be running to be detected.

Sure, when there’s a will there’s a way, and even with EAC people will find a way, but is not about eradicating that, it’s more about preventing it and make it harder for people to do something as easy as running CE and start changing stuff.

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Is there another way tho, which the can actually control? Like set a code to crash the game if certain values/stats are abnormal.

This was probably mentioned in the past, but how about giving pred a stat boost at about 10 minute mark? 2/3 of the match will be played as is, and the last third, if pred lives and ling and FT doesn’t Extract, would be like a bonus for a more exciting finish.

some of that is already in place, but implementing it for all variables would probably cause more problems and likely crash legit players because of de-sync issues that happen constantly during normal gameplay. Not to mention it will likely burden processing power on both servers and clients because all data would have to be constantly double or triple checked against all clients.

online gaming is not a 100% error-free data exchange. There’s always packet drops on network traffic and there are failover measures taken to ensure no one disconnects at a minor de-sync or error.

It is far easier and convenient to simply implement EAC correctly to check for memory tampering.

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My friend had it, he had full offline mode when he was trying to tamper with something, but he uninstalled and deleted all of his save files and reinstalled game and he went back easily. First he thought he was banned, then I told him to just uninstall and reinstall. He was back at full in the game.

So if a player is determined to cheat, there only so much that can be done to keep things fair

that’s always been the way and no game will ever be cheater free. Only thing companies can do is damage control to minimize.

But when a game isn’t as popular as something like Apex, CSGO, COD, BF, etc. people who can cheat can be reduced to single digits, because you don’t have software developers actively developing and updating their cheats to sell them. Popular multiplayer games see cheaters by the millions… on PHG, even with how easy it is to cheat, the cheaters are at much, less than 30. Not counting bug exploiters… that’s just poor programing and anti-cheat software won’t prevent that.

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Technically damage control applies to both gaming companies and cheaters, bigger the anti-cheat and more control over cheaters, bigger the cheating opposition. But it’s always easier for companies than for cheaters, so damage control reward at the end always went to cheaters.

I think there are no more than 5 cheaters in this game, I’m talking about those people who can change the values ​​in the cheat engine. All others can only use the fanatic bug)

Many of them are speed hacking, so there are many cheaters, since speed hack is completely easy stuff to do.

Bro what happened to the no hud mod? It won’t work with the new update

works on mine

There was an update for it released not too long ago. It uses Reshade now. Go to nexusmod and get the latest

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I don’t see much nowadays, though I play maybe 2-3 hours a week at most… but there were plenty before using speedhack and a trainer I created that someone else leaked that allowed for infinite stamina, ammo and gear.

That trainer no longer works after the update (thankfully) so, those using it would need to find the shit on their own. Is not rocket science, but it also isn’t “so easy a monkey could do it”. You need basic analytical and troubleshooting skills… which much of the player base lacks, LMAO

Speed hacking however is massive though.

yes, you are right, in fact, not everything is simple)) I once tried to look for the required signature for ammo and equipment in the cheat engine, I found it in 5 minutes, but it does not work correctly in one match, everything works as expected, but in the next match you have minus values ​​or the equipment is infinite, and the first weapon works but the second does not, and always in different ways ))

I agree, but the speed hack is not interesting because you won’t be able to shoot normally, the shooting is interrupted for a while

Yup, that is true, it jams, but I am no longer cheating anyway.

Because float addresses always change, addresses are not the thing you truly look at, what you have to look at is the memory script by using the addresses many times repeating the process and checking inside memory view. It takes time, but it’s not hard, it is just taking time.

I understand, but I don’t want to bother with it anymore)

I can do it in one single match and it will work every time, for every match, for every game client, no matter how many times you restart the game and will work for other players as well ;)