Suggest a Predator weapon that is has random results

So i think we need that a super secret alien weapon that does some kind of thing that when deployed results in 3 or 4 random happenings that are grotesque and memorable.
I’m suggesting something that is a single UNIT deployment that is sort of a wildcard of sorts. Its not a hand held weapon but maybe a bomb of sorts that results in a variety of different outcomes. Like a gas, or literal disintergration, or firebomb, or deploying of metal shards or something that causes massive blood loss.

The weapon should be very much mysterious and gives the user a 1/4 chance of given different results that are terrifying and rewarding.
The reason being that all our weapons, after much practice have become predictable and boring.

Nothing wrong with a little variety and mystery all at once.

So to add to my idea, maybe the mystery weapon can be randomly assigned an empty slot once, but of course could be any of the 4 mystery weapons in yautja lore like the whip or some kind of shard grenade (is isnt lore).Another might be like Batman’s grapple that allows you to hang victim from trees.

Each new match produces a new random weapon, one which you can not select from the customization menu.

A mystery weapon that when used correctly will produce visually satisfying results like a vanity weapon.

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Holy shit you actually gave a decent idea.
But I think To make it easier on illfonic, just make It a mod for the pc.

Give it a random effect and blast type each time lol.

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Yknow the powerpunch glove Wolf has?

Alright so When simply punched the opponent gets the same disorientation effect as getting hit with the War club.

When using the heavy attack the weapon will have 1-3 effects

  1. when using the heavy attack the strike may produce a knock back effect throwing FT on the ground
  2. when using the heavy attack the strike will cause a speed reduction
  3. when using the heavy attack there is a chance for both effects

When using a ground slam the weapon will have a small chance to cause a “quake” where all enemies get killed and Fireteam can be thrown on its ass.

Alternatively random damage results could be an addition to custom games where Predator could fire a plasmacaster but it can have a burning effect or cause bleed damage. Make that a game mode where all players have random damage types and variables.

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Just give us the predator hounds from pred 3

With the slams they could shorten the time you are in overload?

I don’t like RNG affects. Because eventually RNG will bite you from behind


It could be fun tho

random nmbers FTW!

So could four new gadgets including a gas grenade, incendiary grenade, and a plasma bomb with different costs, gear counts, and situational uses.

Here I was thinking I was blocked

Yes we need more effective better gear, but a randomize weapon would be cool.

I’d run it just change it up.
But if it’s a mod for the pc like I said, it would be good as a mod for the pc.
Random effect for the blast.

This is the only correct answer.

One RNG effect would be instawin and the rest would be garbage. Maybe 2 and then you have a 50% chance of having a trash gear lol deciding matches by a diceroll.

RNG has no place in a pvp shooter, especially not in regards to damage. Supposed to be skill based.
“You’re just lucky that my explosion didnt proc!” Except it would be literal luck and thats dumb.

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You probably think RNG tripping mechanics and lightning strikes are fun you masochist

Lol I just think it would be fun, if its implement like i said.
But noooo no one likes fun.



Lightning strikes are fun tho.


How bout that weapon from pred 3. That death squad guy with the AK when they get to the pred camp (can’t remember his name). If I remember right, he gets shot with something n then a bunch of spikes come out of him.

Usuable against stealth killable players and has a small area of effect.

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Yo pediría un personaje del FT que pudiera equipar armas predator.

I would ask for a FT character who could equip predator weapons.

The Bow.

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Have you seen the rotation of fiel lockers? 😄 and you thi k they could do the mechanic you suggested efficiently?

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