Suggestion for Future Updates... Lmk what you guys think.

I really love this game… but here are a few suggestions to make it even better…

  1. Players need to be able to fire their weapons when downed so they can cover the others while they’re being revived. At least let them be able to use their Secondary.

  2. The Interaction speed should increase when more than one player is doing it. Some of the Mission Objective Interactions take WAY to long & allowing them to complete faster when two or more players are trying to activate them would definitely speed things up. This should also work for reviving download players.

So what do you guys think?


You should read this

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And i like the idea of the ft being able to cover with their secondary. I might actually add that in

i did add that in.


I agree with the 1st idea.
Realistic, you are a veteran soldier and you still can use your weapon, at least your secondary.
The second idea, no.

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i’m not okay with the first idea

cause then whats stopping players from using the best primary weapons right they get downed they took the predator to 30% normally the predator would then claim them or start poking the team to confirm the kill now with this change predator just dies cause the guy he killed shot pred to death preventing the claim the predator earned
thats a bad change it punishes the predator for killing/downing someone

Change it so they can only do it with secondary pistol and no reload or slow reload while down.

Incentive to actually use a pistol

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that would work i suppose realistically they would change it to be only 2ndary weapons with a high enough mobility stat so only pistols and the first SMG would be the ones you could use

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Im think about DPS because some of the SMGs put out alot.

Not to give the kill to the predator but going for the long claim just to have a the DPS by a SMG put you out is a bit much. Hurt you sure but kill or SW might be too far.

Vector and the 2XL deal too much damage for that to work. Make it something unique to pistols otherwise no its too strong.

2 of you can be downed and light up the pred by yourselves and now he’s downed lol.

Thats why original suggestion was on pistols.

The 2XL Maybe if it had slow reloads or aim shake on the ground. It has 6 rounds hurt a fuck load but you have to land them too.

Ita not a hard suggest but.something to look at.

There’s no reason to use a pistol right now

I think REMOVE marking of cloaked pred from game ;-)