If that’s true I want that Skin!
Supers are Berserkers
I don’t understand what this post is meant to mean
Not true. Bereserksers got that name by going full ham on the Yautja buffet.
Super Predators are like the bros of the Yautja race
Hitting the gym. Being rebels. Getting babes.
Lol that supers nick name is berserker but his name is mr.black mainly lol but he’s not a berserker From the game he’s one of the best super predators
Maybe even a step down from nightstorm
So, they’re the Chad’s of the Yautja race is what I’m hearing?
Correct. The Elite. The top dawgs. The big cheese.
Both are Yautjas, the ones we got in this game are called Jungle Hunters, the ones in the movie from 2010 are called Super Predators, and they are in a blood feud with eachother.
His name is beserker mr black was just a name production crew gave him
There is only one half breed that we know exists,scavage
Scavage Predator was a Half breed: part Yautja (Small Predators), part Super Predator. Although he was raised in a small yautja village, Scavage prefers a nomadic lifestyle and has official clan affiliation. A direct descendent of the ancient Super Predator Elder Nightstorm, he forged his armor and weapons to pay tribute to his powerful great ancestor, trading the gold of royalty for the warrior’s steel. Unlike his Super Predator cousins, Scavage Lives by the Yautja honor code, but his silent nature as well as his blatant reverence for Nightstorm is often the cause of much contention amongest the other yautja. A paradoxical loner with no interest in dealing with others, he will only follow those he greatly respects, such as the Elder Cracked Tusk. Scavage is also known to bring his hound on hunts.
So meaty🍑
I feel that
Teenage Mutant NinYautja Turtles
Berzerker is like the Support class…so to speak. Large frame,etc. need i say more? Just a Generic term. its not like he was given a name like Gort or something ludacris which we can’t even figure out how to say. Like Yautja. You know what Yeoja means in korean ? Means ‘girl.’
The super predators preformed pretty mediocre. They were like Chads on the football team, all the strength but none of the Brains. They are probably the ones who would rush the fireteam and get killed easily.
They are supers only Royce can fight it like a Dutch
Hanzo killed one 1v1 in melee. The other one let himself get suicide bombed. Pretty poor compared to the other predators.