Support has finally ended


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You do realise that that rules out like 93% of the human populace?

People get such a hard on with the idea of “beating me”, its like the ultimate achievement on this game, going as far as making hacks to have a chance like the crybaby aston. Its like I’m not allowed to lose a single match cus someone will go on a hurry to upload it. I remember I once lost to a pred player that got luck with the axe after I soloed him in several matches which I never cared about telling anyone about it but that one time he won he had to post on several discords about it cus its like the biggest thing players can do in their lives.

Then people say I’m the one obsessed with game, I don’t go around bragging about all the players I beat with 0 effort. One could try to play better than me but no, thats too hard. So even if they win like 1 out of 10 matches and they will go “OH I BEAT SAMHAIN”, without even realizing if they were playing in my spot they wouldn’t do any better or the context why I lost that one match. Sometimes I lose a match as predator cus of bugs or mechanical issues + the shit of high ping or night mode, or I lose as FT cus teammates are potatos or the team wants to take turn on the predator and fight 1 at a time since they bored. Most times that I lose, I’m still the best player on the match 😉

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How do you think I felt playing this game? or how do you think anyone who’s known in this community feels? you see everyone wanted a piece everyone wanted something to prove tbh I feel like there’s a lot of us who invested way too deeply into our role in what we do in the jungle for content it’s over now take what we learned and move on with it to other places we may run into one another in other parts of the internet gaming community or may never see one ever again what we do in life echoes into the eternity we sung our last song…………we danced our last dance………what ever has happened cannot be undone only thing now is to move on to the next thing just like we always do

So then a lotta people gotta go.

And I dont think it’s that many though.

Everything youve said here is negated by the fact that, you’ve gotten upset by losing and have complained about it being recorded.

You’re attitude Is the same as theres.

And the obsession with winning goes beyond you.


Wrong. I dont mind losing, you can see on my streams me losing on private games all the time, it happens, what is annoying is some people’s attitude towards it as a way to show off and clout chase by using my name and posting everywhere. Also people that want to tell me how I should play vs premades.





I mean there are some people who should take the advice (berserker with netgun isnt actually that bad) and there are some who don’t need it

It all depends on experience and playstyle

Its bad vs fireteams that arent potatos, only good 1v1s with trapper perk.

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You can actually deflect the net if you time your knife slash just right

U wont win with zerk and net gun. You won’t. No balls.

Have you ever played this game?

You can literally shoot the nets in mid air with any gun and destroy them

I love how you wrote that wall of text while not even answering the question. You claimed the video of you getting your ass beat was never taken down from your stream. So where is it? And don’t try to bullshit and switch it from unlisted to listed like you did after you got called out on the PHG hack video.

And the only reason anyone highlights you specifically is because you’re the biggest bragger and shit talker out of the bunch. Calling everyone potatos and that they’re not human beings etc. You elevate yourself so much that when someone brings you down a notch, they’re going to make special note of it, especially since they know you’re going to be salty about it. When @Anonymous.Voorhees13 posted that video and said GG while tagging you and @CraFTSmaN_YT, you didn’t even have the decency to reply with GG back because you were butthurt. You can deflect all you want from that fact. Craftsman had the decency to reply. Then you took the stream down from your channel and kept bullshitting that it never happened even though we’ve all called you out on it a million times at this point lmao. THIS is why you specifically get highlighted. But the reality is that out of all of the “elite” players out there, you’re literally the worst of them lmao. Jason even said how you’re always the one getting downed with the smart disc, and how Beer gives him way more of a hard time than you do. Like I said before, Prozi and the others make your shit look like child’s play. And I don’t like Prozi, Beer, and the others anymore than I like you.

This is why I laugh my ass off at you continuing to reiterate this idea of me having created a hack just for you. For one, I’ve mentioned a million times how I dev this shit and create hacks for a PLETHORA of games, PHG being the least of them. Secondly, if there was ANYONE I needed to create a hack for specifically, it certainly wouldn’t be you since again, you’re the weakest link of the bunch. I’ve never even PLAYED against you, and you’ve even confirmed this numerous times lmao. Show me a recording of you having played against me in the past like LS1 did. You won’t have a single one on your channel. The only reason you keep parroting this “created hack just for me” idea is because you’re egotistical and truly believe this yourself. There’s no other rationale for you continuing to believe and echo this idea that YOU made up. You invented it in that little narcissistic mind of yours.

And last but not least, let’s get one thing straight. If I cared about this game and elevating myself even a FRACTION as much as you do, I could easily play under an alt and become one of the “elite” players in this community playing alongside all of you in privates, and you wouldn’t know shit. I can record, I can stream, etc and you won’t see shit because my ESP is all overlays, and my smoothed aimbot literally aims the exact same way a human player with good aim would aim. It doesn’t snap (unless I turn it off). It drags and even offers some play while locking on so it looks natural. Yet I don’t do it, why? BECAUSE I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. I’m here for me, and in the process I’ll inform the community of how you can be “good” in this game, even while streaming/recording, without even actually being good. You can play with one hand while eating a fucking pizza with the other. And THAT is what pisses you off. Because you and your ego want to be thought of as the God of this game, and now all the plebs are questioning if you’re really as good as they thought you were. That’s why your shitty channel views and subs kept steadily increasing until October when I showed up with the truth, and then it suddenly plateaued hahahahaha


Oh yay, another pornposter! Welcome to the forums, friend!


Keep up the peaceful protests bro 🙏


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Rombak can you come to your quarry for a coffee?

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Well the twin towers haven’t really been big since 2001 , just saying