Switch wrist computer for dual wield?

How about being able to replace your wrist computer with another wrist blade? You would exchange your shoulder plasma caster and self destruct bomb for more melee attack options and possibly have a chance not to be parried OR take less damage from melee attacks / reduce the stun time?


How bout, hell yeah!?


This pleases James Cameron


Enjoy the idea and to have options of the type of hunter you want to be going in.

Always wanted to see dual wristblades!

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Oh the hell with James Cameron! Idea is good though…

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I’d love to have two wrist blades.
I feel the parry stun would be shortened, and the FT who parried you would reserve like maybe half the damage of a normal wrist blade strike

I can see what you mean in terms of balance but the Wrist-Blades could easily still br housed in the Wrist-Comp with a slight alteration to the housing size. I swear I’ve seen dual wrist-blades at some point and they still had all their other capabilities.

Hell yeah, always liked the dual wrist blades

Like Dark in AVP 2010.