Take back our culture

Game mode idea : A team of 4 predators vs a team of 16 fire team members. The fire team members are on a mission sent from owl to collect left over predator tech while the predators job is to not only hunt them but get back there own tech. Thoughts?

Those pesky hoomans and their cultural appropriation!


Yes and I thought with a lot of people wanting group hunting as predators there has to be a reason for it and what better than taking back what’s theirs

Sounds cool, but I’m afraid that 4vs16 would become a total mess in this kind of game. 2v8 is more feasible

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Your probably right

How will you force the teams to split up though? And what do you do against double plasma caster spamming?

Let them fix the game first before we add more content that will make this game close to impossible to work on :)

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All 3 FT’s and Predators could spawn in their own areas away from each other and eventually meet up for a big confrontation in the center. The predators objectives would be to weaken the teams as much as they could before they reach a base in the center of the map which has weapons that could give them an edge, like rocket launchers, thermal goggles or some shit to that extent. The weapons would not be accessible to the teams until all remaining members make it to the center. I know this sounds a bit arcadey but it would be interesting to see imo without it being a battle royale. Would this be possible to implement in the game probably not.

And how would you fix leavers? In a game that benches you when you die, which will be the case in a bigger mode / bigger map? How would they reuse the same maps for this gamemode?

I’m not saying they are bad ideas, yet I know how these things go.

I was there with Evolve. There was a lot of good thinking, but no good implementation.

In brief, different spawn points and different objectives.

While I agree that there’s quite a few issues now, some of which should be adressed immediately, I personally think that to “let them fix everything first” is not a very realistic or useful aim. A lot of stuff gets fixed along the way, and the core game will not change anyway

For a more detailed answer, this is my long ass articulate suggestion for a new game mode, but involving 3 factions insead of 2:

I should have been more direct with you, I was avoiding the point I tried to make. Focus your energy on suggesting fixes and feedback on the current game first. Also think like this: easy to create, easy to earn money with.

The easier it is to create something with existing assets? The more likely it is we will get something like this.

So say we “want a new map”?

What is more likely with existing assets? A city map or more jungle maps?

What is more likely more skin colors? Or more different skins?

What is more likely a variation of already existing game-modes, or a brand new one with its own issues?

But dude it’s not like when someone makes a suggestion for a new mode or a “I would like to see this” kind of topic it automatically means that they’re advocating for it to be implemented immediately or before everything else…
Also…ofc new maps and skins are easier to do; a small hotfix is even easier…and doing nothing is the easiest! But the point is, if new modes are to be added, this kind of thing (like what the op, or me, are proposing) would not be that hard to make, and would probably turn out to be a nice investment, in many ways. New skins would hardly bring any new person to buy the game. New maps? maybe a couple…but new modes, that would significantly improve queue time AND gameplay variety (that in this case require at least one new map btw)? Muuch more likely.
Ofc fixin bugs does also very well in KEEPING the newcomers, but that goes without saying.

Ok, ok, I know, it HAS to be said. But I think there are enough topics about that, aren’t there?

I know, someone once said this to me what I said to you. You really gotta consider that only 5% of all your time you spend here (on any feedback forum) will be seen, and considered.

1/20 posts will be read and considered.

So I’m not saying “stop, you are wasting your time”, just consider the size of the team and how much they actually manage to fix looking back at when the game launched. What is the state of the game today, vs then.

What should have been fixed before the launch, and what after. Right now we are basically playtesting a fully released title.