Take the Restrictions off Private Mode

Also @Anyt1m3 @Elliott626 (even tho i know your take) @GothamsPredator @Derangedxeno_02 @Finessology (even tho I know you gonna be negative fin) @Slasher_Clone

I mean I guess.
I dont think it would hurt.

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Uggh you never have anything to add! Lol!

Private matches should be anything goes, the only thing I would maybe limit is VT and xp

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Private matches should be an anything goes situation but tbh I think if you take away nearly every restriction you may just break the game and cause it to crash.


Well obliviously don’t make it a god mode!

But more it should let us set the number of players, pred, let’s say make a dynamic mission where you have to do two missions tht are similar, like over growth, the water truck and the poison barrel mission could be combined to make a dbl mission.

Or we can make it a hunt showdown!

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Tbh vt and Max xp should be public only Type deals

And no getting achievements/trophies from private matches either! You gotta EARN that shit!

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They could try it as an event, just to see how messed up wait times would be.


Yeah!!! I earned them the hard way!

They could! I really don’t think it would effect wait times more than a few days at max! It would be like clash. It would be fun for like the first day or so but after that the wait times for other modes would settle again and Private lobbies will be just saved for having fun and challenges

Because you’ve pretty much said everything.
I cant really add more.
Except make sure we have PREDZILLA



Lol! Yes!
And Dam Did I really make a well thought out post

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The only other thing I could say is, I dont think this would completely ruin ques.

Because I know one of the more popular things is going to be 2v8 or even higher.

But ppl are going to want to switch up pred turns.

That shit gets boring.

As far as just fucking around, well that’s cool but I dont think thats what everyone will always do.

However, you could just add a lobby system with this.
So if you decide to do so. You can make a public lobby.

But I think ppl have wanted more options for a while now.


I am 110% for that! They don’t want to give us pred coop mod? Just let us create it in private lobbys. No brainer, should not be a big issue to impliment something like that


Introduce 3v12 for private matches. No AI, no missions, no reinforcement, no chopper, random FT spawn location. A true “predators” experience. A true “Hunt or be hunted” experience. Problem solved.

3v12 on pubs is going to be a nightmare. Imagine 11 potatoes + you fighting against 3 semi-decent preds and hordes of AI… It would be a shit show.


Nah, I want it to be like a raid mission or nightmare strike for ft.

Where they have to actually earn it.

I highly doubt noobs would play on ft side.
And dont que up unless you got a full squad.

Oh hell no that kind of chaos would be the most entertainment in this game

It’s private, so why not let people try anything.