Take the Restrictions off Private Mode

Hell yeah. Why not. It’s private matches! But they won’t do it:(


Sounds reasonable. You basically had a pseudo 2 v 6 in clash from @DisturbedLlama. Should be to hard to mount clash on hunt carcass. Also, they could give choice to run missions or to just have FT and preds duke it out.


This would be a good way to introduce people to mods overall. Then hopefully, people will be more willing to join mod tourneys

I feel like it would be pretty easy to implement!

@JelouGaming ohh yeah pure skill hunt would be fun

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Well, don’t forget to put this in the Feedback section’ and outline it with clarity.


Nvr know man. With the Private lobbies being Glitched sometimes allowing more than 8 ppl more than 15 at times there is a possibility that the code for the amount of plyers and pred is already in the game!

Also if there is enough interest they could do it! I don’t think it would be hard! It’s probably like a switch lol!!

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Oh I don’t doubt it’s very possible. I just doubt they do it hahah

Yeah! This is the discussion part! I then will pull sources from here and make a more detailed post! With a poll attached to it so that we can get a real number! I’ll most likely even share it on the Reddit and other social media platforms that to get a larger reading!

But I feel like since it involves a little bit of everyone desires from large hunting parties to bots I feel like it will be positive

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It will take some effort ironing out most of the bugs. I feel like their code is badly written so when they put new things on top it messes up the game.

Yeah! A large optimization patch will be required before this! They need to get the sync issue fixed first then clear up the clutter that all the explosions and such will cause!

But they have proven themselves pretty well the last few updates so I have faith atm

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Yeah. They should start with a smaller test run first, see how that plays and then they can move onto bigger things if it goes well

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Yeah! I feel if they let us have our 2v6 hunt option in Private, that will help iron out some bugs.
Then they move to the sync issue. Then move to how to reduce framerate drops due to explosions. Then maybe we can get this!

Something like this will be a game life extender! Even more so if they give us the ability to share modes with other players!

I would even go one step further if this was a huge success, is give us the maps with no bases build on them and allow players to add things where they want! Nothing to fancy just place objects and such! Add ammo crates where we want and stuff like that.

I know that’s a lot but for this game to survive to a 3 year mark either constant follow up content or give the player base control to make “new” maps! Using the existing one!

Maybe even a mission maker

Agreed. I’d just hope we get the bare bones version to see how it goes. It has potential.

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They need to get people hooked by what i suggested and then practicing in privates.

