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Introduction to Takedown, Season 8, Episode 8 “Lukes Lust”

Hansen: Coming up on takedown with Chris Hansen In Monroe County Michigan, one man is ready to score.

Suspect: Alright I’m here so your gonna come

Hansen: But when he’s nose to nose with me, he calls an audible.

(Cut to Interview with Suspect)

Hansen: And you know why I think you did it? You wanted to fulfill a fantasy.

Suspect: I wasn’t I wasn’t going to do anything.

Hansen: And now you’re in a world of trouble S

Suspect: I think I need a lawyer.

Episode Begins (Music Plays)

Hansen: I’m in Monroe County Michigan, just 90 minutes from Detroit where the NFL draft was going on. But Sheriff Troy Goodnough has assembled his own team, the Viper Team, for.operation Unsportsmanlike Conduct to identify and expose potential child predators.

Goodnough: All right well, again thank you Genesee County. Thank you for coming, Chris, (inaudible)

Hansen: While NFL prospects are waiting for life changing phone calls, a detective posing as a 15 year old girl, receives a different kind of call.

Suspect: Hi.

Detective: Hi.

Suspect: I was just calling to let you know I was on my way.

Detective: Ok. Alright. Sounds good. Yeah so my phone gets really weird and sometimes won’t answer fast enough, so.

Suspect: Ok. (Laugh) And I wanted to hear your voice.

Detective: Well, here it is.

Suspect: You sound older than 15. (somewhat suspicious)

Detective: Well I wish I was older than 15.

Suspect: Ok. (Laugh)

Detective: Alright. So how long until your here?

Suspect: Um probably 25 to 30 minutes.

Detective: Ok. Alright. So when you’re um closer just let me know and I will let you know what room it is.

Suspect: Alright. I’ll see you soon.

Detective: See you soon.

Suspect: Alright. Bye.

Detective: Bye.

Detective (to others in room): Ida guy is coming.

Hansen (narration): I need to know more about this “Ida” guy, as Ida is a small township in Monroe County, so I get the details from the detective.

Hansen (to Detective): So he is coming from Ida. He’s talked about wanting you naked as he gets here.

Detective (To Chris): This is the guy who (sighing disgust) wants to just rim me. And play with it in the shower. (continues) This is the guy who saved my pictures from the site, and sent them back to me, because he didn’t want them in his photo album. But he still wants to keep them in our thread.

Hansen: Oh I see.

Detective: Um, he wants bareback. (Explanation) This is how it started. (disgusted sigh) Bareback. I said it sounds fun if your clean. Sounds fun if your really 19. How much to pick you up and take you to my place in Ida, the country area. I said I am not 19. It says so. I said I am 15. And he goes I am not rushing into it, because of your age. If you need a job and a roof, keep me in mind. Um, then he asked for a good picture. (Sighing disgust) I said are you going to report me. Cause he wanted like a good (inaudible) picture. I said no. I want a picture in case you text me one day. And I sent a picture, not of my face. I told him I was scared to send my face. That’s fine, but hopefully you are cool with everything I said. Can I send back your posts? And that’s when he sent back my pictures.

Hansen: Got it.

Detective: So that way he didn’t have them on his album. Then he said you should let me come get you tomorrow when you decide to leave and don’t know where you are going. I said are you trying to kidnap me. He said no absolutely not just make sure you are ok. I assured him I was ok. And then he wants to do breakfast tomorrow so he could at least meet me. He said he was scared of my age now that I told him. And then he asked how much for dfk. (To fellow Detective) What was that again? French kissing?

Other Detective: Deep French Kissing.

Detective: Deep French Kissing in his pickup tonight. I’m not going into a room with you. I said I’m going to be honest I don’t feel comfortable going out to your car yet. He said I understand, I was just trying to find a happy medium. Only thing I could think of was breakfast. It’s not everyday a cutie like you shows up in Monroe posting. He wants to build trust and become friends. And then I said what do you want. He said French Kissing. Something rimming you. I don’t know what that word was supposed to be. So you’re ok with everything I just asked for then? I said as long as your ok with me being 15. And then he says can I wash it in your shower for 2 minutes with my hand before I do. I wish you wouldn’t have brought that up again. I am thinking nobody knows unless they ask. I didn’t exactly ask but you told me.

Detective: (looking at Chris directly from reading phone conversation) So he hated that I retold him I was 15. (Inaudible) That would have just. I said sorry guess you can wash me in my shower. He said your funny but I like it. Will you be naked when you answer the door so you can get right in the shower. He goes I’m 40 minutes away. Plus I need time to get ready. Ok. He goes you’re so friendly you’re scaring me. I said you want me to be mean. And he goes no, but I will just come meet you naked for the donation. And he says so your ok with what I just said? I said yes. And then he said he was getting ready. Blah blah blah. And then he called.

Hansen: Alright, so he’s on his way.

Detective: Yep.

Hansen: (narration) That was a lot to digest. So just to recap this man from Ida wants to take a 15 year old girl out to the country area, he wants to get breakfast with her, maybe a car date, do sexually explicit things, and is scared that her age is 15. I think that about covers the highlights.

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