Tank Predlocks are bugged

Its like anything new you guys try to add comes bugged.

Dreads floating up like going medusa.


What’s the problem? They add dynamic wind and you guys bitch.


Same as mr black predlocks


They are so bad that there is no point even trying to reach lvl 500 or rage at Illfonic for not letting you have them because if you do anything more than jog forwards, they will spaz around like the Mr Black Predlocks used to, but even worse this time because the locks literally half disappear and you can just see the back of the Predator’s head that looks bald with a load of gaping a**holes on the back of it.

I shit you not, everything that gets added to this game is already bugged before it is used.

Ever hear of field testing something before you use it? Because just doing that alone for once might help you release something that isn’t a complete bug Illfonic.


What do mean used to, the mr black predlocks still move around like their having a seizure, same with young blood predlocks when equipped with wolf.

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I only usually see a small glitch spaz attack on the Mr Black Predlocks if I jump in a tree lot, but it’s not as bad as it used to.

I also never noticed the Young Blood Predlocks bugging out because I never use them on Wolf.

'Its everything we feared’🤣

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Well it is better than what used to happen but the bottom part of the predlocks still act like their having a seizure, the top part is acting normal.

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Yeah that’s what I noticed. I’ve started playing a lot with Mr Black lately again so only just saw that occuring every so often

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Your lucky, when I used to use them, they bugged out every game mid match.

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Yeah when they originally came out they gave me eye cancer almost as much as Wolf’s bugged armour did.

After that I hadn’t noticed them bugging out until lately when I use Mr Black himself with them and the bottoms of em glitch out a bit

Maybe you mean Exile predlocks.
As they should be called.

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Take it up to Illfonic for getting your money.

has anyone actually been successful at getting money back from illfonic?

Refunds ? Never heard of.

I mean the only reason to pay for dlcs on this game at this point is to get views/money by showcasing them on youtube. Otherwise I don’t recommend anyone getting them.


Well , technically it was from Sony , but yes .

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Spaghetti locks

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It’s the air and Pantene ProV on those Predlocks

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Nah. They just flowing majestically with the wind. 🤣

Viking and young blood seem to be the only locks with proper gravity.

Not when equipped with Wolf, they both but out on him.

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