Tech officer not spawning in?

On derailed. Ps4

The killing target isn’t spawning in on map to be able to complete the mission.

Please fix :)

@Courier @OldKingHamlet

You’ll have to play it twice to see if it did it a second time. Otherwise…dildo.

This is why i never take bug reports seriously and neither should @Courier (do you know how many notifcations he’ll be getting because i just tagged him? 150K notifcations he’s sifting through because we can’t get a boner).

not to mention OKH. He’s probably sitting through 100 notifcations going WTF you guys are not really seriously but Illfonic has to communicate with you anyway?

First the servers are immortal now the objective doesn’t spawn…FML

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I’m not entirely sure if I understand your point. I’m also noticing you commenting on literally everything challenging people about what they post.

If they read it they read it.

If the don’t they don’t.

Its as if you are thinking the worse of people posting on this site. Presuming I didn’t already test this bug…

It has happened multiple times and I think @Courier does and will take these posts seriously.

I literally have no idea where you’re getting off telling people their opinions or things they are posting shouldn’t be “considered or looked at”.

Nope, i get your point. But it seems people like yourself aren’t reading the rules of the forum on how to post bugs. Wish I could help, but I’m just pointing it out. I could be anyone on the forums probably going to point it out anyway. Nothing against you personally.

I posted something like this myself about An officer not spawning.

It helps to do a search and possible post in that thread.

I have posted bugs on this forum manyyyyyy times.

Not entirely sure how I have gone against any rules?

I’m notifying the team about a bug.

Not too sure what you are doing. If I am doing something wrong, what is it?

When there is a bug, it helps to state what console or PC, specs, if you can reproduce it does it always happen, if you have screen shots,etc.

I think you are looking too deep into this.

My post states I’m on ps4, what map it was and what bug.

If this didn’t happen more than once… I wouldn’t post it.

Again… I’m confused what you’re trying to accomplish? Like very confused.

Thats what im trying to get at, now leave me alone!

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You commented on my thread… maybe presume people did their homework next time :)

Sometimes they dont. You wont believe the magnitude of reposts of the same old thing, when they could just search for the topic and respond to those with…something like agreed and bump.

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Thanks for the tip.

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Public or Private Match? Because this was a recurring bug that happened to us whenever we played that mission in Private Matches.


I had that problem and the Predator had a ball with us I wish I got this playing as Predator

Why do specs matter. I can agree on everything else you say but why do specs matter?

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because there are minimum requires on PC for this game. specs include v-ram and onboard ram, OS, and harddrive space, CPU. Fail to meet any of those and you’re not meeting the requirements, the game will not run at optimum performance.
You can run the game, but i’m sure there are more quirks that would appear on hardwear specs that don’t meet the Minimum, and to write about the bug would be useless as the company probably doesn’t test using that equipment.

Still I dont think that will cause a mission to not worm

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If you’re having trouble loading a mission it’s because you don’t have an nvidia card