Thank god the last of us 2 is almost here

Enough said!

Yeah last of us looked pretty fkn boring not gonna lie. But most games now a days are boring.

Or maybe its just cause I’ve seen every possible plot at this point?

Who knows.
But anyway fk last of us. Tired of hearing about it. If anything that one game, ghost of something looks way better than last of us 2.

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Enjoy your movie game killing the previous protagonists via quicktime event

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Too much social justice hoopla…i can wait till the reviews come out stating its a bunch of garbage! I’ve played all my Naughtydog games used for less than 10 bucks. I wont be paying full price for that game.

Yeah ghost of tsushima or what ever does look good but the plots not new either. It’s about the Mongolians invading Japan and you dont even have to know history to know how that turned out. A good story goes along way as long as the gameplay suits it

I will the first one was good thanks

But you’ll pay full price for this train wreck ok have fun lmao

ghost of tsushima, as pleasantly surpirsing for this game to come out…i’m not versed with any of japan’s history to really make me go…fuck i want to play this… but it has a stealth mechanic and it’s for ps4…i bet you it should actually be for ps5 since PS5 isn’t worried about optimization.

Spiderman Ps5 is the only thing i’m looking forward to. And well… CYBERPUNK. RIP PS4. It was a good ride.

Honestly its the gameplay. It looked kinda boring. Generic. But, I would’ve tried it if it was more of a zombie survival. Like you need eat, sleep and what not. That’s just my preference though.

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Cyberpunk is a must for sure. Cdproject knows what their doing

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I was a bit put off by the excessive ultra violence…but then good ol’ Keanu comes and saves the day for the completely absent human presence.

That’s cool game play always makes a difference. Iam the kinda gamer who needs a story with out it I dont see a need to spend much time with a game iam not a hardcore gamer and online games I generally find stupid because of exploits, hackers and lazy gamers

Hey! Thank you for expressing your displeasure with Predator in a passive aggressive way.

I will weigh in as well. The Last of Us 2 is overhyped beyond belief , I for one will be passing on it. I fell for the hype on the first one and I was underwhelmed.

I am looking forward to Cyberpunk though =)

I’ve always enjoyed online games, but I’ve played over a hundred games I’m sure. When I was younger I could sit through a game with no prob and beat it. Sadly I can’t anymore. Which sucks. Cause theres a lot of games I wanna beat and need to finish.

That’s cool story driven games just aren’t your thing. I get it

Sheesh, you made me look at my post again, because for second you had me convinced I said that.

Cyberpunk is story driven though. Just not hours of cutscenes and shuffling ladders around.

Is last of us 2 the one thats gonna go all lbjetyxicifleioc bullshit on our asses and fuck us if we disagree?


Hey! Thank you for expressing your equal displeasure with Predator by projecting onto that guy that he was expressing his displeasure with Predator in a passive aggressive way XD


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