Thanks a lot DC and WB! You've officially made me hate Batman (except Keaton)

I do. By all of your female family members of legal age. All the time. No matter how unsightly or old. All. The. Time. Just because I can. I don’t even care about them at all. They know it and accept it too. It’s worth it for them. I could be your real father, you don’t know. You should show some respect to your maybe-dad. Or piss off, whatever, you don’t matter to anyone. You never will.

You sound Like fantasma so doubt you care about age xD.
But I highly doubt any of them would wanna even look at ya.

How bout you fuck off?
Talking all high and mighty tryna make your ass sound all high and mighty.
Bitch you ain’t shit, fuck you and your toy
Obsessed ass.

Careful when you chew on them, might break off a piece and choke.
Probably for the best though.


Sorry. Fantasma doesn’t use English very well. I may not have perfect grammar, but I’m certainly not THAT bad. I didn’t even wish anything bad upon you. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t HAVE to read posts here and you certainly don’t HAVE to chime in with your garbage thoughts. Because that’s what they are. And that’s what YOU are. You like to chime in piss people off (to be fair to you, mass impact is also garbage. You hit that nail on the head. I wouldn’t take that away from you.), but when online push comes to shove, you melt down like every other keyboard warrior out there. In reality it doesn’t matter what you say or think here. It’s a stupid off-topic topic in a game forum. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Which is fine with me. My little free apartment in your head is very cozy, lad. Good day.

See what happens when you let a perfectly good game go to shit

I thought y’all was just busting each other’s balls


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Dude, I don’t like to argue. So why would I try to piss people off?

You dont like what I have to say.
Ok sure.

But you realize I was basically copying your vibes right?

Look at my first post.
I didnt say shit to you to actually piss you off.

Then you started calling me a bitch and shit out of nowhere, I didn’t think you were serious at all, and thought we were just fucking around.

So you, like a bunch of other people took me the wrong way.

Kinda sad to be honest.
I’ve never had a problem with you, and I thought we were just fucking around.
I know I was.

This whole time I’ve been matching your attitude man.
But I didn’t think you were serious.

But I’m trash eh?
Nah man.
Look at how you’ve snapped outa nowhere unprovoked.

That’s pretty trash buddy.

Anyway, with your old ass, one would think you would be mature and just tell me to not talk to you since you dont like me.

No instead you throw a tantrum for no reason.

Fine bro.
Il leave you alone.

But honestly, I always thought we were just joking around.

Have a good one.

Haha! Hey, I’ve still played worse. Are you old enough to remember Robocop on classic Xbox? Now THAT was a shitty game!

I’m old enough to remember robocop on NES

I was spared from the Xbox robocop game

We are just joking. But I see I went too far. I do tend to get REEEEEEEEAAAAALLY deep into the weeds at times. If you knew me in person, it’d make way more sense. But, yes. We are just joking and I do like you. For real. No matter how far I may go (and I go FAR, I know that) I don’t dislike anyone here. I do take exceptions to the anti-jewish stuff other people have posted, but not you. You’re OK. You can take it as far as you like with me…giggity.


Haha! I still own the NES game! Shameful, I know, but with game genie, every game can be at least finish-able, if not good!

Ah man I feel fucking stupid now xD.
My bad bro.

It’s hard to fucking tell sometimes on this shit.
Glad we cool tho.


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Like I said, I can get fucking Rick Sanchez dark at times, but everything is in jest. If you put a Peter Griffin voice filter on all my words, they make more sense.😉

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With the announcement of Dark Horse Comics gaming division I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a new robocop game

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Oh my goodness, I remember that! Science, I love Robocop!

I only recently found out this was a thing

I can’t remember when, like what year, but there was a cage match where Robocop acted as a bodyguard (?) I think, and tore the door off of the cage so someone could escape. A friend who was crazy into pro wrestling showed me it on tape (like vhs!). I laughed hard that day. Like, what is that guy even doing there and how much did the WWF at the time or WCW or whatever pay to get a movie quality Robocop suit there and an actor for it?!?!?

Yea he freed the guy from the gif I posted

That’s Sting. Before he decided to be the Crow

I know

Didn’t think it was important to say his name if you didn’t know who it was 😅