Thanos isn’t the biggest villain

I was going to say galactus but then I saw this THE TRUE VILLAIN OF MARVEL!


I think it’s Scarlet Witch who’s the most powerful

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Chaos magic pocket dimensions to pass the time & erasing mutants from existence because she feels like it

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Aw yes but he’s the dad lol so he can tell her what to do lol

Wooden gun.

There ya go

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That’s old school

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If we’re talking about Villains in general, Frieza had it in the bag for me.

Darkseid would like a word.

He’s not in marvel

Not in marvel

You didn’t specify in the title, so that’s on you lol

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Darn I’m sorry man 😔

I expected WandaVision to end on a bad note because she’s not allowed to be happy but you really just want her to be left alone for once lol.

She’s dealt with the most direct suffering in the MCU starting out as a terrorist bad guy, then tried to be a good guy, her twin dies, and she still accidentally hurt people because of the scale of her powers, then spent the entire infinity war on the run and trying to save Vision, then held thanos off with 1 arm while she killed her own boyfriend just to watch him die twice and all her efforts wasted. Then got dusted believing she failed THE UNIVERSE by trying to protect her boyfriend. Now she’s literally torturing people just by grieving and has to erase her kids from existence. This is more painful than professor X accidentally killing people by having a stroke. Most people would fuck off to their own reality at that point but she keeps coming back because she wants to redeem herself.

And Disney wonders why everyone likes her more than mary sue Captain Marvel. Scarlett Witch is made into a villain half the time because of how insane her powers are. She sacrificed a perfect life by freeing hundreds of people from her mind control torture dream to a point where they were begging her to just kill them or let their kids go, she gave it all up for what it costs others once she realized what she was doing. Self-righteous to a fault just like Stark but way, way stronger.
You just know she breaks if everything goes wrong in her redemption arc and her own allies have to put her down.

There is always a bigger Baddie in any Universe.

If anything the Ultimate Villain is the Black King!

Takes over the entire Planet every superhero. Causes permanent ptsd in all the heros. Then just ups and leaves after emotional scaring everyone in the Marvel Universe!

None of them are real so it doesn’t really matter. Just some fun.

Omega beams are lame and Darkseid’s entire gimmick is just standing there with his hands behind his back shooting cyclops lasers

I haven’t seen Wanda vision 😅

Oh right

I wonder what he’s doing with his fingers behind his back?

Is that like the venom guy?

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