The Batman is diarrhea.

Thats about as comforting as a blind man shaving your balls.

That movie is apparently wiping the slate of anything that could have been remotely improved . Superman is killed off for a chick . At least its rumoured that zod is the villain. Michael Shannon is great

So your scrote is a little knicked up

Scars build character

My scrote is sacred 👉🏻

Show me how to get to the time machine please

You don’t want to go there trust me

A smart person made it

But it is right next to the Costco and I like having sex with chicks

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Nah, the Schumacher movies had a charm to them. It was like a rehashing of 60s Batman. They were mind numbingly stupid (the macguffin device was macgreggors syndrome lol) but they hold up for laughs and 90s wacky factor. We can talk about bat nipples and needless close ups of bat-ass, but there’s nothing to discuss about this iteration other than how bad it is, and how it’s going to drive batman into irrelevance.

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You have my attention 😁 , that movie holds some nostalgia, I was a kid when it came out but watching it as an adult is like drilling teeth .

Thankfully that Gotham city song at the end still holds up and can’t be negatively affected by the movie 🤔

Well see Joel Schumacher is a gay man, one who’s claimed to have had thousands of partners and considers that pretty normal of the gay community (his words). So the creative direction in his two movies were pretty out of the closet. I think its weird to have done that for a movie he also acknowledged was made purely for kids, but this is also Hollywood so not too out of the ordinary. However he did direct one of the greatest man-on-the-edge movies ever; Falling Down, and deserves that recognition because it wasn’t gay, but that’s probably because it wasn’t aimed at kids.


The lost Boys , falling down is decent .

I liked that cracker who owned the gun store

Oh yeah, that was REALLY gay. Especially the sax man.

Still not as gay as The Batman though.

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You are just jealous you can’t blow a sax as good as that sax guy 🙄

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The chains he wore signified he was a wild animal with a sax, I wouldnt challenge him to a blow off. I’d take my chances with feldman.

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😄 that is one strange dude , he definitely had the wrong friends in the business

Is the opposite of what Schumacher said

Seems like it. Dudes been riding that role for 30 years, now he’ll blow some sax for you on cameo.

This is in his containment chamber, it’s for our safety.


I knew he was still a master on the sax , if the role works for you then why drop it? Look at statham and denzel . They are practically the same in every movie.

I dont think that’s the only pipe he hits though by the looks of him

I would’ve settled for equality of bat-nipples and butt close ups on all Bat-people. But no…

You get one on bat girl

I said equal. I got 2 Bat dudes. Just do Batgirl twice.

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Alicia Silverstone wasn’t even that good looking , better than uma thurman…I guess.

Its funny how there was no outrage to the fact she was drugging men either