The Bugs on this game are UNREAL.

To be fair I do think 2nd wind should cancel parry animation


I was getting parried. Yes. But on my screen I couldn’t move my controller wasn’t even working correctly meaning the analog. Parry stun doesn’t prevent you from moving. Or leaping away.

People getting stuck in trees is just one of the many hidden features of this game.

Clearly. Since it’s still in the fucking game.

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I played against you yesterday or the day before, good game. I got around 2500 points of damage on you.

I get what you’re saying about the bugs though. I had a match against a good team a while ago and I lost because I couldn’t leap while in second wind.

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Yeah I mean normally you get parried obviously Stunned by youre pred bouncing back. Only for like half a second though. After the second parry I think I got locked and couldn’t move. But if you get locked in that you’re basically just a body standing still. Tree bugs parry bugs map bugs error code bugs. Whats next our characters gonna go in the matches with no armor or anything? Think a bug like that might attract illfonics attention. Fortnite kid yells !! Moooom !!! All the characters are naked !

Yeah I think I remember that match. You were the only talented player. Potatoes on you’re team. Team died. Good game lol I tried avoiding the Potatoes and just going for you. They kept hugging you. I was like go back to fuckin Fortnite ! Hahaha goddam.

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Yeah, useless potatoes but at least they knew how to do the objectives lol.

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Hahaha yeah thats Always a solid at least nowadays in my experience always count on potatoes doing the objectives. True that.

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Thanks for uploading that glad someone recorded it. So I got locked in the parry stun animation through second wind. Hahaha wtf. And I thought my analog stick fuckin was messed up or something. Or the mudd locked my pred in place. Hahaha wtf

Call this game From now on.


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We’ve all been through a lot with this game, even those of us who actually enjoy the high pace FPS style of this game, as some would really like the place to be slow and match times extended.

I’ll offer some advice. Take what people say hear with a heaping shovel of salt and, as far as your original issue, it might have been a recent glitch that causes you to lock into ADS, your character might have partially clipped through the surface of the ground, or it could have been a de-syncing lag type of issue.

Long story short, maybe just upload a recording to YouTube and post a bug report in the Bug section and, unfortunately, accept that these things are just part of the game and not every match will be fair.


Well there ya go. Glad you at least know what happened.


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Quick money grab off of an 80s horror movie, then Swan dives into concrete after a lawsuit? (This game did it well before the lawsuit…)

Damn haven’t we been on this ride before?! (FRIDAY 13TH)

This is it.

They are probably spending more active time on other projects (or trying to phase out this one) than the ENTIRETY of time they have spent fixing their bugs. (That STILL are broke till this day)

Also this forum being treated like Bart Simpsons twin brother being locked up in the closet, hasn’t done this team and game and favors cause there is so much amazing info posted here that is just severely overlooked…

hit scan weapons and nerfed pred items

I miss @Xan84 popping into threads saying branching interrupting leap and the stutter dropping out of trees + people asking for weapon swapping QOL fixes for pred is a skill issue.

git gud etc

I do not

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Yeah, I stopped playing for months. Still visiting from time to time, curious if any updates drop and what are they.

Now what I said is that people leaping into obstacles and falling is a skill issue(yes, including branches), you know, the people that where asking for a visual indication when the path was obstructed and that’s about it. Look before you leap? I think that works also and with time you can anticipate the path, you know, muscle memory of a sorts.
No idea what weapon swapping QOL fixes you’re referring at. I would’ve like a button to map my bloody knife just as well (that does not do a quick hit).

In what ps4 FPS game you have a button for the terciary weapon?
Not talking about double tapping.

I am on PC, I got lots of spare buttons.

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Yoy loterally need 1 sec to equip the knife by holding melee key.

PC works exactly the same. You have no key to bind the knife. You either do a quick melee (equivalent on a controller to press on the right stick thumb button) or you hold the quick melee button (same equivalence).There is no knife switch button, as much as we would love to. Alternative to holding down the button is using the weapon wheel which, arguably, is easier to use on a game pad joystick than it is with a mouse

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