Dude right but don’t even acknowledge him he’ll just yell and say stuff about moms and black penis… dudes weird
the damn error continues in the game
I would love to shit on the grave of all your dead ancestors and I’m glad for them they died like dogs
I know he tried yesterday beat him to the punch. My mother remarried after my sperm donor was cheating. He is great step father. Was great to me when I was growing up and we are close now. He is a pothead like me but they live im a state where he can grow it so I get a free pound for xmas, birthday and other little holidays. Shit in 4/20 he gives me 3 pounds lol
Brooo i need me that free weed god damn
Cool story bro
Lol. Hopefully one day you will find the right person who is all about weed and grows weed idk what to tell you tho. Its nice and he grows the sticky itchy. Shit that would cause world peace if you just blanketed the world in its smoke
Imagine hating an entire race of ppl because of something that they had no control over. Are you sure ur not a nazi or atleast part if the Fascist party?
I’d ride that cloud for sure biggest smoke cloud ever
Hell yeah.
at what point did I say that I hate a whole race of people?
And you say you are Jewish when you look Nazi?
yesterday you even asked for my head and that they expelled me
yesterday you wrote later as if you were the victim when in reality you are the perpetrator
you’re just a fake and you’re trash because you were born from trash
keep talking about your father’s scum and how he gives you a lot of drugs to get you high
Cool story bro
you’re just a junkie just like your father and mother a penis sucker
Look? Wtf. How does my avatar look like a nazi wtf.
U stated several times yesterday that you hate all
Whites from England Australia and America. You then blame us for things “our” ancestors did which we have no control over which is what the Nazi Party did in 1933 to the jews blamed them for losing the Great War.
Never once asked for your head.
Hell yeah we want you out of this place you are nothing but toxicity in a person.
And yep love my weed makes me a better person maybe you should try some
Sure ill be a junkie for your mothers loven. She makes a dam good breakfast the morning after
Guys, I really wouldn’t bother with this kid*. You’re not going to be able to reason with an unreasonable person. I’m not sure whether he was dropped on his head as a baby, but he obviously has some serious mental health issues. Either that or he’s just an incredibly dumb racist cheating coward who thinks hiding under the map so you can’t be shot is ‘winning’.
*He is literally just a kid though. His original avatar was a photo of himself trying to look tough, but it was hilarious as he was this skinny little thing with stick arms that looked like he’d get blown over by the wind. I wish he’d post it again.
You know what i think I remember that pic he looke like a little bitch. And i love when you mention it he dosen’t reply to you.
Greyback. If you cant troll responsibly I will have to revoke ur troll license. The objective is to get him to be angry with out the needs for insults. Lol.
You’re just a liar, a villain, and a drug addict, I already told you, you’re a drug addict like your father, you’re a degenerate
and you are the one who hates the rest of the world, less America, because you said that everyone hated Jews except North Americans, it is evident that your mother went to North America to work as a prostitute and you were born from a client it is evident
And how the Americans picked up your mother because she was their prostitute because they treated her well
and you are so blind that you look at the rest of the world badly and you think they hate you but it is not like that
Show me again that you are a liar and you put words in my mouth that I have not said, you are a real gonorrhea a drug addict bastard
Where did I say i wanted ur head tho? Plz point it out