Blah blah blah blah your mom is a whore blah blah something racist blah blah im better then you guys are blah blah blah… that sum it up nicely?
the damn error continues in the game
Is that the limit if ur english vocabulary what you have seen on Tv and movies?
Plz show me where I said I want ur head? Maybe in game but other than that I could care less about you. I could see you begging on the street and i would give you 10 dollars.
Its really sad the amount of historical knowledge you have. It must be your upbringing. I pitty you to be honest.
you are another who wants to have sex with the fat ball with that fat Greyback, you are another gay fag,
you are like a
dog stray when it licks another
dog stray to make friends because you feel lonely
you are very low as a person just like your mother’s prostitute
Lol. Sure my guy. Thats what I want to do. Your internet troll game is as weak as ur knees. If you had any real skills you would not have to resort to petty threats.
I challenge you to a 1v1 map choice will be overgrowth. All play is legal and will see who is truly the better player.
Do you accept?
Ohhh shit. Record it if he accepts and post it here later
Where tho? Find the quote good sir. Plz i beg of you
Will do.
Thats not a quote. Come on man find it, you say it exist so find where I said i want ur head. Plz plz do because o have reread this entire thread and the only one who is throwing out insults is you
Also adding to our 1v1 if I lose I will delete this account never log in again give you the title of troll master and also never play PhG again. If I win tho you will do the same but also have to change ur psn name to cheater Mc Cheese
and you say that you are the victim you are the executioner
you are trash because you carry it in your blood
and it’s you who hates everyone because you think everyone hates you
you live with a mask on
So saying something that is true? Is asking for ur head? Mhmmmm no not really that is not that at all that is just trying you to get realize how angry you are being
and you must also change the name of your account, like the liar disgusting rat
I also embrace the hate pll give me makes me push myself harder to achieve my goals.
really your father must be an idiot person because you your genes are from idiot people,
who is going to believe what you are writing ?
So the fact he was going to report you because of the hate speech is wrong. Ok buddy you Cleary live in an area that shits on you. And your only outlet os to cheese predators online with that stupid glitch and spew hate speech online in fourms… I honestly feel kind of bad. Do you need to talk? Who’s hurting you, who’s abusing you, is someone touching you in your no no spot and your frustrated? Because if none of this happening to you then you need to chill out and get the fuck up out of here.
I believe what hes writing because we are on the fourms daily.
Everyone else here on the forums lol.
I think your main objective is to spend it and be on the internet while your mother is working on sex because she is a prostitute and that is what your mother and you lived on.
and I have no doubt that your mother went to North America to practice prostitution