The Developers Mask

So on reddit somehwere, someone posted this thing about the Developers Mask available somewhere in the game…Any one know more about it?

Kind of looks like a cross between magneto’s mask from Marvel’s X-men and Bobafett.
I hope this augments reality a little.

Looks to me like there is a place similiar to the fast helmet on the noggin for a …dare i say it?


Lol Dev is only level 65. What a noob smh.


I’d love for a variation of this to be added to FT Customization, because we really could use stuff like this that brings out more diversity to Customization.


James Cameron has seen developer only outfits in GTA5.

Sometimes James Cameron plays as a special pred skin that has Linda Hamilton’s head as a trophy.



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What is the gun he’s holding. Looks new, can I have pleeeeease.


Yes bruther! I didn’t even notice! But ill study it with all my energy!

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Isn’t that the first smg?

Next months paid DLC?

If you’re talking about the mask it appears to be a developer exclusive item

Shit it might be, haven’t run it in a while and don’t remember how it looked in menu but that does seem close.

Edit, No I think it is a new gun, look at the extended clip and the trigger area. The SMG has more mass to the area in front of the trigger.

Shit, your definitely right, just loaded up the game to check, it matches.

I wonder if it features some of the predator tech that Dutch was bringing to the board 🧐

Makes me wonder if we’ll be able to equip secondary’s to the primary slot. Couldn’t get the menu to show the secondary like the picture does.

Interesting idea about it having tech in it, definitely possible.

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Yeah it is the PDW-Z but the model is holding it which means it is in primary which is impossible at the moment.

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Can’t wait to run two and chase Pred’s through the jungle, 🤣.

Just need a two gun mojo perk.

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Dual guns has always been a staple in older fpshooters. I wonder…

CYSZ gaming was playing with a dev?

I wonder wtf illfonic classifies as exclusive then seeing as they give anything exclusive away at a later date lol

Except the code was never exclusive…the figure was…articles can be found that explain that the Alpha was going to be made available to everyone “later this summer”. And even an illfonic tweet can be found dating back that answers that question when people cried “what about PC??!”.

If you only bought the figure for the code, you’re an idiot and clearly don’t research on your purchases.
Stupid people get stupid prizes.

Lol you assume I bought it. You must be what you say to others then