The February update

You realize they’re adding FT content so people will want to play it, right. Pred ques are dependant on the bulk of the player base playing FT.
They’re slowly improving the experience, but it’s going to be a long process. It sucks but nothing we can do about it.

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It still doesn’t make me want to play FT. I got the game to play as Predator not FT. And the other thing is why is this Asymmetrical game struggling so much with que times and thinking adding more one sided content is gonna help? You don’t see near the que times or problems in other Asymmetrical games as you do in this one and frankly it’s not something I will be like it’s okay. Better ways to go about it than alienating half your player base. No balance means half your player base leaves and now back to higher que times.


You aint basic thats been in our minds since summer :).

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Guess basic since it’s pretty much what everyone else is thinking. Seriously though, way better game choices if I wanna play as a human and hunt monsters or bully someone playing as one.

It could be that reason why they keep adding Ft content into the game, but its also a kick to the nuts for pred mains with the ridiculous weapons/gear they got especially the specializations which is the biggest add insult to injury.

I don’t even really care about the specializations as long as I get a new movie predator, new perks, new gear, new melee and range weapons and map. If they truly want to fix que times seriously add in gauntlet and let it be a 3v12 Predator teams. Fix all your que times. People have been continually asking for 3 preds vs 12 FT’s.

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Dantes rocket launcher for free and Isabelle.

Illfonic is at the mercy of all the corporate hands in the pot that are steering their game.

Unfortunately we are following a schedule that the playerbase and devs both have to follow (devs can’t go above their heads since the placeholders on this game are calling the shots)

They could give us what we want, but surely there is more of a plan that we aren’t aware of as to why things are going the way they are.

Game is gonna blow up at some point, just not when we want it to.


Again, I say 3 maps because of gauntlet. Those maps will be locked to gauntlet


That would be sweet.

An actual “pack” containing more than one item!


If thats the case then that would be huge and therefore I would stick around for a long time.

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@Robo_2696 what do you think will it be underwhelming or overwhelming

Hello brother of nickname)

A new, buy to play DLC character and more bugs. That’s all there is to look forward to.

One thing is certain. The loadouts are definitely going to be broken. Why break tradition now?!

Curses I thought I was the only model of this forum lol

Yes, and I’m not joking

Because everyone has their own expectations of what they want in the update. Some people might think it’s the “best thing since sliced bread” and others wont want to come out of their “hibernation” to play.

You 🤖 now.


Highly underwhelming like usual


IF illfonic reads this

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