The Greatest Bug of ALL (Pred Camo, PC)

So I’m playing a private match on PC, with 2 others. I run up a tower and see this first image:


My fireteam can’t see this. I’m the only one. The Predator is using it’s camo.


Then the Predator comes towards me…



so Ugly.

Pretty awesome that the game wants Rule 36 more than we do. Like it’s alive.

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I almost passed out from laughing so hard. That booty.

i get this sometimes when i am cloacked and use disc… but i can see it.

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AHA!!! No genitals! So its confirmed now - they are reptillian in nature! XD!

On more seriouse note - the amount of work put in to the pred model by Illfonic is fu***** amazing - every layer on this bastard is seperate, his armour, eaven his net is a seperate model! Jesus…

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HAHAHA omg I experienced something similar but I can spare u all my Predators mangina…This was on a PS4…

It was only happening in a Private match also when id use my smart disk and then call back to my Pred in invis and would stay looking like that until i left invis and went back into it to reset it

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Someone had to spend a few hours of their life modelling pred booty


Now that you mention it, the Predator was constantly using the smart disc…

Been talking with freinds about this and I think there is a good reason as to why pred is so detailed and all layers are seperate - Illfonic is bringing different armours, body nets, sandals/boots and gloves in to the game for all classes. Can’t think of any other reason for having his whole armour modeled on top of net layer on top of skin + gloves and sandals. Its a waste of time, effort and money, unnecessary work hours and hit on game performance unleass its there for a very good reason.

Right now in game we have one type of armour for every class - default. We also have default mask for each class and its all in more or less the same style. The way its setup in customization manu makes perfect sens for having diffrent armour types coressponding to all masks we have in game just now. From technical point of view the game is already setup for this mechanic as you all can see on screens above.