The Industry is reluctant to admit the PHG/franchise is the devil

good observation. I don’t know how well next gen games will handle these elements but best guess is that it handles it a lot better than PS4 did.

Granted, it would get some hype

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Again, this is what my OP was planting in the first place. This franchise was made to have a gamble worth the payoff except that they fucked it up mostly in this version of the game.

They decided not to make females look sexy, they didn’t give each class a voice customization, they didn’t add more weapons and tools but decided to mod the originals.

Of course, i don’t blame them for the lack of interest. For the amount of work involved to make something good, it would require a new game. But something based on the original of course, however it may need to strip itself down to 3rd person which would require a new set up tools.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the story is already there ready and waiting beacuse Predator:stalking shadows is rife with story.

True, there was lot of potential. Even at the most basic level the game would do much better of not for bugs and glitches.

FTE would be an interesting approach for PHG. Probably easier to code for and could still be interesting with a variety of builds, weapons, percs. Still would feel like a step down from a free roaming environment as in PHG. Id rather see it move towards type scope like GTA, but that would be a massive undertaking that is definitely for illfonic sized company.

Edit: meant to say GTA scope not FTE in last sentence

Yeah, story should not be too tough. Even here the audio logs had a nice touch and depth to them.

A:FTE went down a road people didn’t think of. It was completely differrent beast than PHG. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they went ahead and copied them.

There was no free roam. However if what you mean is that its an open map, then yes.

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Would be the easiest path

Can I now invite Fire and LukeSkywalker to divert Thread? 😁

You see, AFTE Still did have a vertical aiming appoach in the PATHOGEN dlc. Amongst many other of the bigger environments.

Come to think of it, Giants of the Earth proves there can be far distant and larger maps. However they were mostly simple geometry and not dense forrest.

This is where it might be interesting to see if more realistic environments with fog and distance falloff might optimize the maps a bit.


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PHG was merely a painted image of a forrest and the limited 3d effects applied, made it difficult to optimize. Add distance fog and it changes everything.
Not sure how its going to look though.

One needs to artistically design the jungle and not make it the eye of god view.
The fog of war literally wasn’t a fog.

Night maps had that potential here.

What they could have done was a rock/paper/scissors play with this. Pred blood would only be visible with night vision (though not as cloaked). Cloak would drain faster when not near light source. PC and hhpc to lesser extent would blind FT briefly if night mission was on.

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who knows man, the next PHG might actually be something interesting and tactical while still giving one liners like "payback time’ and letting us use “old painful” or whatever.

and we might actually see Arnold as he was and not this mindless dumbie of a clone.

Much like how we play and watch Solid Snake in MGS4 with the digital likeness quality of that of Death STranding. but i’m ahead of myself. its still a PVP. doesn’t look like anyone wants that to change.

Like to state statistics, Alan Wake 2 cost 54 million USD to make. Thats alot of millions for a freakin game i played twice.
In comparison, i bet this game cost like 8-9 million if not less. And the amount of work that went into it looks fairly evenly spread.

and my time spend on each?
Alan Wake 2: 69 hrs 54 minutes
PHG: 1892h 57minutes.

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Maybe Wake2 has some new tech that they can license and sell. Or is was a join investment for game and marketing

For you yes. But others will spend hundreds of hours for speedruns or no damage or other challenge runs.

PHG1 state is a coin up. so there is no real comparison here. So you really need to look at what they can do for PHG2 to up its game while not over spending.
And i’ve already asked for it in the OP and i think its managable, i’d say we wouldn’t even need a 3rd person make over.

If illfonic had funding for an entirely new game, i’d say they spend it on the sequel. make it the boss.
They have the assets already created! They just haven’t programmed them in properly!

I think they want to get Xbox onboard just so that they have everything covered.

I suppose you’re right about funding. But you also have to project expected earning. They will be limited in that respect, and the scope of game will be limited. Having PHG financial and dev data, I think they can predict more reliable what they can make on a given budget, give or take a few bugs that can be fixed in the future

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I really think what you propose is what they have covered. Respectfully to which classes are built on, its just a matter of trial and error and they weren’t ready to add any more classes to the original game without telling every one that its game changing or global rebalancing.
Like they even had fake classes ready in the leaks (like that guy with the satcom backpack).

To simplify theirr approach it could be possible that FT might have an addition 5 more classes in the back burner. They could all help in balancing or expanding gameplay. It just wasn’t implimented at all. They left assets in the game to be data mined.

I do agree that they have more ideas and half finished DLCs in stock, but yeah, that do have to think cost/benefit. Even adding specializations was a major move in terms of coding.

My guess is, they are redesigning UI or character customization to suit our tastes. All this would not be difficult.
The other balancing act of adding additional FT classes and more Pred classes would take a year of development.
NOW, if it doesn’t fix crossplatform, then they are in a world of hurt. Thats why I say these classes aren’t merely just classes but embedded platform specific mods . What this means, i don’t really know because I’ve never seen this befoore in a game. It might even be ghost nerfs or ghost buffs per platform.

Its high time that people start thinking that crossplatform rebalancing would put asses into seats again and gags into mouths.

Thats why it was important for them to add Xbox to their collection of platform logos and start deciding when to make balancing global.

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